Chapter Thirty Seven

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Alpha had called me through the mind link through the middle of the night, where I spent with my mate, yet slipping through her arms were the hardest.

His voice sounded of authority and urgency making me immediately get out of her sleeping grip, yet she found her source of faux comfort through a thick pillow that she snuggled adorably into.

He was quick to leave without making a sound that could have awoken them, before leaving a note at the dinner table just in case his mate had wondered where he had left to.

Shifting into his wolf, they ran full force into pack territory, the sky full of stars and the moon watching them.

Matteo was quick to scent out his Alpha and the other high ranks that stood at the edge of the forest ready for their Alpha's orders.

He did not shift back as he sat himself tall beside his commander Gamma, as his status was a warrior, he received a nod from both men that began discussing the small meetup.

His alpha was bared chested with only a pair of running shorts, his piercing light blue eyes  shot through all of us.

"I want all of you to go in pairs of two and search the area, Patrol Watchmen had scented out a peculiar scent around the edges of the temporary markings. Try to find out what it is and come back to me." He dismissed us all and everyone began to shift including Alpha Steve.

Matteo looked around to find a pair so he begin, yet the gamma brushed his fur against his wolves with a light nudge, that caused a slight growl to come out from my jaws.

"Come on, Knight. Let's get this over with." Gamma Jack growled back, his dark brown fur shining under the moonlight before he nodded and followed his trail as they trotted off to the northern border.

They ran through the thick trees, stopping to sniff around in a few places, yet they couldn't find a single trace. They continued up the trot themselves up to next direction that had him stop for a second.

This caused his gamma to stop as well not hearing him behind him, nyet Matteo felt compelled to stay in place to look around and watch the trees above him.

His wolf growled deeply within their mind, alert present in their bones, they could feel the vibrations of someone lurking.

"Matteo? What do you sense?" Jack asked worriedly with a straight seriousness that even his wolf seemed to be alert too, at his warriors stillness.

His wolf growled in one direction before snapping his jaws in snarl that had him jumping in another direction.

He could sense their fear, yet he would taste the darkness of their intentions that had him snarl once again at a dark figure that seemed to hide behind a tree.

Hiss gamma wasn't far behind him, looking even more menacing as he too watched the figure try to climb up the tree, however they were quick enough.

They immediately bounded to the tree that had a scrambling figure try and escape, yet Matteo was quick to latch in sharp teeth on the person leg and tug as hard as he could.

The man, as it seemed from the deepening of their voice, yelled in pain from another bite that seemed to be from his gamma.

They both snarled and shook the man right to the ground which caused the man to try again to run away with lips but the cornered him up against the tree, nipping at his skin.

The man seemed to smell like cedar wood and only a scent that caused the both of them to be even more riled was pure death.

He was tall and his skin color resembled the  shade of charred wood. They could only corner him for now, Jack immediately sending out a loud howl into the sky, alerting the others.

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