Chapter Sixteen

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Yelping out at the stinging pain on my arm, as the hot oil on the pan popped cooking the eggs, made me want to throw it out the window.

Rubbing off the oil, I empty the eggs into a large bowl before taking out the three pack of bacon I needed to cook.

Making a breakfast for the whole family was a bit difficult but it was worth it. Daniel's family is coming over right now and I'm sure they haven't had anything to eat yet, so I trying to make as much possible for them.

Ezra was playing outside in the grass with Loki, but I made sure to let him know to only play in front and not to wander off elsewhere.

I had a clear view of them through the kitchen window, seeing them running around with the new toys we had bought for Loki.

Throwing the bacon onto the pan, I make sure this time not to burn myself but a constant worry is slowly growing in my chest as I thought of what possibly could be so important that they wanted to take about.

They sounded so serious, was something wrong? I hope not.

After some time, the whole lot of bacon was cooked and added to another large plate that was added to the dining table. I had a pitcher of water and orange juice ready, along with large plates of eggs, bacon, toast, jam, and some condiments out on the table.

To me, it looks like I need to do some more shopping on food again because I just cleaned out half the fridge with this meal.

Sighing at the beads of sweat that were forming on my forehead, I stared down in accomplishment at the food I made and the presentation that looked straight out of a white family magazine article for dining.

The only thing I needed to do was change out of this food stained shirt and I was going to be alright with this. I go over to change in the laundry room when I heard the slight sound of gravel crunching and Ezra's excited shouts.

Tossing on one of Daniel's old baggy tees, fixing my hair into a neater ponytail, I go over to the door to greet them in. In which I only saw Samuel's excited face, rushing into my body and crushing me into a tight hug.

Even though he was younger than me, being sixteen, he was a whole lot taller and very muscular than me. He was on the wrestling and soccer team at his high school, ready to reapply for the next seasons when he gets back into school.

His blonde curly hair was much shorter than the last time I've seen him, though he starting to look a bit more Daniel everytime I see him. Though, his eyes are a dark brown, they were filled with so much love, life, and excitement for the world, Daniel would be proud of him.

"Hey Eddy. It's been too long since I've seen you. Wait is that food I smell?" He pulled away from our hug to sniff up in air  with a bright smile and eyes.

I never understood how he could have such a bloodhound nose, but seeing as I just cooked the smell is probably fresh.

"Nice to see you too, Sammy. Breakfasts on the table, just cooked it so it's still warm and fresh." I said up at him  before slapping him of the shoulder as he rushed over to dining room.

Chuckling at the impatient growing teen, my eyes settled back out the door to see Jillian walking up the steps shaking her head in amusement.

"That boy, I swear." I giggled as I wrapped my arms around her in a hug, which she returned in tightly back.

Another body seemed to pull me away from her as they hugged me tightly in their warm embrace in comfort. Looking up at them as we pulled away, Richard gave me a caring smile that made me just laugh and hug me tighter before letting go of him.

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