Chapter two

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Thoughts will be in italic

Thanks for liking my weird poems I will obviously continue with them as I was missing them in the serial a lot.

Recap; Suraj lost his heart on Chakor. Chakor comes with her Bodyguard/Fiancé Ajay. Adi is there too with the media.

Suraj comes home n KN was waiting for him in anger.

Suraj was smiling like mad he was playing with his jeep key on his finger twirling it around.

Just then when he entered the mansion Vivaan pushes him.

Suraj fall backwards on his bottom.

Suraj looked up. Saale {rascal}. (Guys hope u don't mind when I will use abusing words?).

Vivaan; Suraj u had a simple job kill Chakor. But what u did u declared urself to be her hero!.

Vivaan hold on Suraj collar n lifts him up.

Suraj let him. As he wanted to see how much guts Vivaan has n if his father would stop him.

KN looked away but Teju comes between them. Vivaan! He is ur elder brother how dare u to raise ur hand on him?!.

Ranjhana; Oh ho u start again. We already told u. That Suraj did wrong n he has to get punish for it.

Vivaan; finally u said something gud. Vivaan made a fist...

Suraj all of a sudden punches Vivaan on his face. Vivaan got hurt. His nose starts to bleeding n he fall backwards.

Suraj adjusts his clothes n walks to KN.

KN was hell angry the TV was on n the news channels were filled with Suraj announcement.

I'm her hero!!!

Suraj smirks. I look great! 😎.

KN; Suraj!!! He shouts.

Suraj put his finger in his ear to close it. Not to hear that much of his shout.

KN; U think it is a joke?! What the hell have u done?! She is our enemy! She come here to ruin me!.

Suraj; uff... don't shout. Shikhu... get me a drink!

KN; u want a drink?! What for?! Haan y u want to celebrate?.

Suraj smirks further. Shikhu come n gave him a glass which was filled with rum.

KN; Suraj!!! U r testing my patience! What is wrong with u!.

Suraj; uff I thought u r all smart. U have a brain coz I'm the one with the muscles. Right??

Vivaan who stands on his feet's by now was confused like the other's.

Suraj; samjh main nahi Aaja {u didn't get}?. Seems like u all aren't that smart.

KN; Suraj stop talking in puzzles get to the point straightly.

Suraj sat on the couch. He lifts his legs on the couch table.

I will make her my Bandhua Biwi!

They all were shocked.

KN; Suraj... hahaha Haan hahaha.

Ranjhana; so u think this will work?!

Suraj; Ranjhana ji... u better stay out of it. He warns her in his way of talk. Her secret is known by everyone besides KN.

Teju; Suraj!!!

Suraj; Ey shut up!!! Not a word!

KN; Mera beta Suraj Kitna hushiyaar hai {My son Suraj look how smart he is}.

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