Chakor PoV

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U r waiting for marriage I will give u her POV first 😝.

Recap; Suraj pov. Asked Chakor to marry him n think of an idea. She has an idea....

Uff finally I could convince him not to ask me permanently. My ideas huh... shit I Chakoriya Bhuvaan Laal... No Chakor Khanna will be soon Mrs. Chakor Suraj Rajvanshi.

He, Suraj Narayan Rajvanshi, has asked me openly to marry him. What he said... "half marriage happened let us complete it".

How could I fall for him. He the ugly stinky man... well not so ugly quite handsome not stinky anymore after taking a shower... hmm he smells so gud I love his after shave... his body fragrance... uff 😍.

Hmm shower... he is sleeping maybe I can vanish n take a bath... oh I love to take a bath... but what he wakes up when I leave... like I do when he is gone.. no he is a brave man. He can handle it.

 He can handle it

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Aaaaah... hot water yes... I know it's quite late but what to do... sometimes it's the best thing. I can relax here.

Hmm just a little bit of relaxing. He is taking so much energy I have to entertain him. I'm sure he thinks I'm doing this all in purpose but that is not true. I know he can get bored n angry very fast to keep him happy I try to tease him. Hmm to divide his mind.

I feel sorry for him I really didn't knew that she died bcz of KN. I'm so sorry for Suraj he had no chance to save her. He is still cursing himself for her death. But what could he have done the moment. Not much maybe the worst he would be on his father's side.

Booh thinking of this gives me cold shiver even in this hot tube. But is it the real reason or is it bcz I'm scared if... Karan enters my life again. The way Suraj described him. He is still not over it... what is he planning?!.

I haven't told Suraj much abt my past neither is he asking abt it. But I know he wants to know more abt Karan as he thinks like me Karan could create a problem.

I can't lose Suraj he is my happiness my future my dream. He is the life partner I was always praying for. I wished to be save in his arms I feel safe. The safest place on earth r his arms. When he holds me tight I know I'm secure. No one can reach me...

Clap 👏

I looked around n found him. Suraj!!! I'm so happy that I had still bubbles in the bath. He was in his boxers he glares at me giving me the cutes angry look he had...

Suraj; u left me to come here

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Suraj; u left me to come here... having a bath, really?!.

Chakor; Suraj woh... I couldn't sleep anymore... after u woke me...

Suraj; like U! Even I'm not use to it to sleep without U anymore. Having u in my arms. Caressing U... and loving U... but the fool is me. How could I think u will feel anything like this for me. U must be thinking he is a brave man he will handle it.

Chakor nods.

Suraj; wrong this brave man feels weak when u r not near him. He got scared knowing u could be in danger. After what had happened to u in this short time I can't even imagine it... but I have the fear.

Chakor; sorry... Suraj this time I feel awkward... I'm naked u know go go!! "Kush kush". She waves with her hands out...

Suraj; acha Aaj Baari sharam arahi hai aur jo Kal pure kapre Uttar ke mere Samne ahne ki kiya zaroorat thi? {today U r feeling very shy. Yesterday what was the need to be naked in front of me}?

Chakor; Suraj insaan Se galti hoti hai {humans makes mistakes}. Go!

Suraj; okay. He comes near...

Chakor; u want a gud night kiss right?!

Suraj nods.

Chakor kisses his lips... now go!

Suraj nods n leaves her but he turns once. Don't think too much of me... u can call n I will jump into the bath to give U company.

Chakor; out!!!

Suraj smirks.. n winks 😉.

Mad! He is so mad... n I'm the mad woman who agrees to marry him. Hope it all works out... just need the confirmation of Adi... then the mission wedding is on...

Hmm Suraj said Ajay hasn't contact us yet. Huh who cares she can be death by now I don't care...

After awhile I come out n he was still awake... I was wrapped in the towel looking at him...

I trust him blindly. I come on him with my wet hairs.. he made me lie next to him n wrapped the duvet on me... soon we doze off... in each other's arm feeling safe...


Next update will be the wedding idea with help

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