Oh Suraj the brain

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Recap; SuKor r back n played a trick against Karan.

Suraj was sleeping next to Chakor when someone enters their room.

Chakor woke up with a sudden jerk as she heard the squeaking of the door.

Chakor; KN...?! What r u doing here?!.

KN; Chakor what do u think that I'm blind I'm stupid? I know u n Suraj r working together

Chakor; No we aren't.

KN; acha {really}?! Then u won't mind this...


Chakor; Suraj!!!!!!

Suraj; what happen Chakor... he yawns loud... rubbing his eyes.

Chakor hugs him tight she was sweating like hell. She was crying on his chest.

Suraj; Chakor what happen?!.

Chakor; Suraj... 😭

Suraj took her in a bone crushing hug. Hey I'm here u has a nightmare please Chakor shh... he was consoling her.

Chakor hold him tight. I can't lose u... never again I want to feel this pain.

Suraj; Haan... I won't leave u... I told it u I will be by ur side always it doesn't matter what will happen as I will be with U.

Chakor; I once have lost everything. U gave me the happiness back. If u will leave me I will die!

Suraj; Sshhh don't speak like this. I'm here for U. Nothing n no one can separate us!.

Chakor; promise?!.

Suraj smiles. Y should I promise it.. let me prove it... 🙈🙈🙈.

On the next morning.

KN; this Vivaan just can make books n money. That is the reason y he is still alive otherwise I would have killed him.

Ranjhana; Kamal ji.. trust me he isn't that weak. He will prove himself to u!

KN; how?!.

Suraj comes down. Haan How?! What does he wants to prove?! He is a coward he used a woman to take his revenge on Chakor. Look at me... I do it openly with no shame.

Chakor comes down.

Suraj; Papa I have an idea how to make this Bandhua stop flying...

KN n Ranjhana looked at him.
How Suraj?!.

Chakor was fuming she made a fist. Suraj I said NO!

Suraj smirks. Papa I know she is a Bandhua my Bandhua Biwi n ur Bandhua DIL... but she is a marathon runner she made a name... she has fame!

KN; haan I know so what?

Suraj; how abt a grandchild?! She won't be able to run if she is pregnant!

Chakor; Suraj!!! I'm not ur...

KN stood up... Suraj!!  I always thought u just don't have a brain to think...

Suraj What the hell...! Relax Suraj relax!. Focus on the plan.

Chakor; Suraj u can't do this... I don't love u it's a forced marriage.

Suraj; So What u have experience.

Chakor; Karan... 😱 where is he...?!

KN; still alive Suraj haan she is a Bandhua n she should always stay as a Bandhua! Make a child not only one as many as u want she won't be able to fly again! He claps n left the mansion.

Ranjhana; Suraj!!! Vivaan wants to talk to U.

Suraj gave her a glare. So what?! He wants to talk he should come to me.

Chakor comes n slapped him. Suraj u can't do this u can't u hear me u can't I won't let that happen...

Suraj hold her back hairs. I have already started it.... n I will stop when U will carry my child... This Rajvanshi needs a heir..,

Chakor; I don't want to give u or ur family a heir! Who knows what dirty blood it will be...

Suraj; my dirty blood with a tiny bit of ur dirty blood..,

Chakor; my blood is not dirty!

Suraj pecks her on his shoulder. I'm busy...! If he wants to talk to me he should come later...

Chakor; Suraj no!!!! 😭😭😭.

Ranjhana; do whatever u want to do!

SuKor were up in their bedroom.

Chakor; What the hell does Vivaan wants from u?

Suraj; don't know?! We have to be prepared for everything.

Chakor; Haan....

A knock...

Chakor; No Suraj stop!!! 😭😭😭😭 Suraj!!!

Suraj Babu leave her n take me I will give u a heir...

SuKor; Imli... yuck!

Suraj; Imli if u will ever disturb me again I will sell u to more than one man.

Chakor; Imli.... help me...

Imli; Chakoriya y don't u just die!!!

Chakor; Imli I'm ur sister how deep will u fall???

Imli; I don't care who u r... I want Suraj!!

Suraj; Arrey go to ur Vivaan I'm busy...

Chakor; Aaah Suraj u r hurting me...

Food steps which were leaving.

Suraj; uff I though she wants a live show.

Chakor; Haan... btw my Bandhua Pati... please give me a massage... here my feet's.

Suraj; haan bcz u had a bad dream n u slept unwell u have pain on ur feet's.

Chakor; oh ho u r angry bcz KN said u don't use ur brain right?!.

Suraj pushes her feet's away. Tell me don't I use my brain?!.

Chakor; of course U do but come on in front of them u r just a dumbo... with muscles.

Suraj; but in reality?!

Chakor; u r a hero!

She kisses his cheek... So baby planning start...?!

Suraj; haan But first I have the meet someone!

Chakor; whom...?!

Suraj; Karan...!


Suraj; wah on time.

Suraj left from there.

Karan has gain his conscious back.

Suraj; look in keeping u alive just for this...

Karan; What?!.

Suraj; how I will destroy U... I'm going to start a family with Chakor... u will be a great pawn!

Karan; she is mine U can't touch her...

Suraj shows his neck n back... okay I won't but who will stop her for touching me?!

Karan; Suraj!!!

Suraj hits Karan...

Chakor was waiting for Suraj. She needed to tell him something important.

Hope u liked it

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