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Recap: Past of Chakor. Suraj understood what she went through he will give her everything which she owned. Love, trust n a Family.

Next morning Chakor woke up in Suraj embrace. She looked at him he was snoring...

Chakor he never snores before oh no it is so true u see the real face only after the marriage...

Suraj opens his eyes. What the hell r u thinking?!.

Chakor widen her eyes. She looks up... U r awake?!.

Suraj nods. Yes I am awake n I'm very stubborn...

Chakor was confused. What u mean...?!

Suraj took her close he made her lie underneath him. I think I deserve a kiss.

Chakor; after what we did last night?!.

Suraj pouts. Acha at least complement me!

Chakor couldn't believe his words. Now u wanted to be praised for that?!.

Suraj grins. Yeah Say it. Suraj u r the best husband a woman could expect!. U let me sleep!

Chakor hits him. U woke me with ur wake snoring... I hate u for that!

Suraj hugs her tight. But I love U... ❤️.

Chakor n Suraj got ready as Shikhu had brought clothes for them. Chakor was wearing a very silk Shalwar Khameez.

Suraj was waiting for her as she vanished to the washroom...

She comes out holding her bridal wear in her hands. Heavy clothes.

Suraj smiles. He went to her n took all the clothes n jewellery from her n put them in the bag. He kisses her forehead n saw her unfilled hairline... he pouts.

The he remembers how angry he was on her... he kisses her hairline n made her sit on the bed.

Chakor; Suraj... I thought we r leaving.

Suraj; wait please.

Chakor sits there quietly waiting for him...

He went out n was looking here n there... hmm Hopsital has a small area for prayers where is it?!. He asked a nurse. She told him at the first floor.

He went there but he couldn't find the vermilion. Damn it...! Ops.. sorry!

He left from there n was unhappy as he wanted to make her his all the day all the time the wants to remind the world she is someone's not just someone but the one He Suraj Rajvanshi.

He comes back with a pouting face.

Chakor; Suraj...! She jumped up n rushed to him. What happen y r u looking so sad? Has someone said something to U?!.

Suraj shook his head.

Chakor; Then...?!

Suraj; woh I wanted to... hmm forget it... he took her nuptial chain n placed visible for everyone...

Chakor; Oh I forgot to fill my hairline... adaat nahi hai {I'm not use to it}.

Suraj; hairline u have vermilion?!.

Chakor; Ya Bhagya gave it me.

Suraj; okay... I'm coming.

Chakor; where?!.

Suraj; u go I'm following!

Chakor was irritated by his behaviour but who cares. She moves ahead to the washroom where her sponge bag is. She took out the small case with the vermilion.

Suraj snatched it from her hands n filled it in her hairline. From today I will be the one who will fill u u hairline. Okay!

Chakor hugs him. More than Okay!

They left from the hospital n were picked up by Shikhu.

Shikhu; Suraj Babu... Karan is still there!

Suraj anger raised but then he saw his wife. Shikhu...!

Shikhu; haan...?!

Suraj; U drive to the mansion if someone asked where we r ignore it! Say u don't know!.

Shikhu nods.

Chakor; Suraj where r we going?!.

Suraj; u trust me?

Chakor; u know that don't question it!

Suraj smiles. Then give me ur hand!.

Chakor did as he said. But jumped off the jeep n walked hand in hand away from Shikhus view.

Chakor; what r u planning?!.

Suraj; hmm to spend some quality time with my wife... he kisses her neck... she closes her eyes... she was lost in his love...

Suraj; u remember I abducted u n Arjun n Bhagya...?!

Chakor nods. Haan to ur house!

Suraj; right well it's not anymore my house...

Chakor looked at him. What?!.

Suraj smiles. Arrey Baba it's out house!

He kisses her forehead n lifts her in his arms.

Chakor; Suraj leave me u r weak!

Suraj; hmm don't underestimate the One n Only Suraj Rajvanshi!

Chakor; haaw kabhi nahi {Never ever}.

Suraj smirks. U know what that mean?!.

Chakor; what...?!

Suraj lifts her a bit higher. I will make U mine one for all...!!!!

Chakor blushes she hides her face in his chest n he was carrying her the way to his place which was long!

As soon as they arrived. Suraj had called for everyone just to check if someone is at home he was always trying to give the other's a new identity n finally all were gone.

Chakor; y u shout that loud...

Suraj smirks... No one will hear ur shouts... 😉.

Chakor 😱. She jumped off his arms n runs away... first u have to catch me!!!

Suraj; a marathon runner against a special agent... let's see who wins...


Next update Sukor Romance

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