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Ya update before I forgot this idea I wrote it down.

SuKor were in the hotel.

Chakor was giggling... Suraj no leave me please.

Suraj smirks. No way I'm not gonna leave u.. this is all mine.

Chakor; Haan it is please leave me for now we have to go back... right?!

Suraj pouts... he rested his head on her belly. He kisses her navel n playfully circles his fingers around it. Some day I will fill u! Here! This will be filled... with my love.

He made her sat on his lap. One day I will give u all u want! all u deserves! All ur dreams fill be fulfilled by me! I will give u the life u r asking for. One day here u will carry my child.

Chakor; Haan I will!

She kisses him...

Both got ready n drove to Azaadghanj.

Chakor was admiring Suraj from her seat. She was giving him flying kisses.

Suraj; I like real ones more. Hope u understand y?!.

Chakor nods. Suraj do we still have to play this game?! We can say Mumbai changed us?!.

Suraj; what two nights changed everything?! No Chakor! I'm sure he is going to do a mistake soon. But what we can use from now is BANDHUA PATI. U know in front of everyone U can use it. Just to tease me... no one would even say anything as it would be so normal. U r a fighter n u found my wound to use!

Chakor plays with her lips.. thinking 🤔.

Suraj kisses her. Ahh real one.. gud right?!

Chakor nods. Fine but don't over react my throat hurts I can scream that loud.

Suraj; my too...

Both starts to laugh....

They reached the mansion where they heard the screams of a man n a woman.

Suraj; what is going on?!

Chakor; don't know?! Let's check!

Suraj nods. Both went to the backyard n saw how Imli n Vivaan were tortured.

Chakor; finally they got what they deserve.

Suraj; right! Papa let me handle this. Don't make ur hands dirty!

KN; Suraj! He this boy is sleeping with this Bandhua!!! He ruined my name.

Imli; Malik Chakor is a Bandhua too n Suraj married her.

Chakor; I'm not a Bandhua u slut. I'm a marathon runner I have a name without this stamp!

KN; I will sell u to the best given price. Shikhu!!!! Take her!

He pushes Imli who hurt her forehead.

Chakor; haan sell her. She has nothing to give anyone. She leaves....

Suraj was whipping Vivaan with the whip. He comes close to his ear. If u try again to hurt her. I swear I will kill U I will forget that u r the son of Manohar Chacha! U got it!

Vivaan whimpers.. Haan 😭.

Suraj went up behind Chakor.

Chakor was crying but consoles her....

Suraj; this is his mistake I can't follow her.

Chakor; Ajay...?!

Suraj; haan Saalesaab {BIL}. Nice!

Suraj called him.

Ajay; unbelievable she chose u!

Suraj; really?! U can't believe I can count many reasons y.. 1st I'm just too handsome. 2nd I'm just too cute... 3rd...

Ajay; stopped it y u call me...?!

He explains him everything!.

Suraj looked at her... she was naked... Chakor y u took off ur clothes. N this time all?!

Chakor; close the curtains n make me urs...

Suraj closed the curtains n removes his shirt n covers her. What is bothering u?! Chakor tell me?

Chakor; Karan... I thought he is past but the way u described his obsession I'm scared of him what if he might come back... n tried to take u away?

Suraj shook his head. I won't fall on his cheap tricks... he hold her tight.... close ur eyes...

Chakor fall asleep very soon....


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