Mind game

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Recap; Vivaan wants revenge from KN n Ranjhana. KN wants to destroy Chakor by making her mentally abuse. But but our Suraj Babu likes the idea to use on KN😉.

Chakor was shocked her body was still shivering what just happened was killing her from inside, it is something she would never do.

Suraj made a fist just then Ajay come in.

KN laughs. This is just the beginning...!

Ajay; yes just the beginning... give me the gun...

Chakor was crying she looked at Ajay. I haven't done anything!

Ajay; yes but the gun has ur fingerprints on it! U understand....

Chakor; Ajay... what r u saying?!

Ajay; hmm someone has offered me an amount I couldn't say no!

KN laughs devilishly. Haha what will u do now Chakor ur bodyguard has changed the party?!.

Chakor rushes to her room she closed the door n was crying on the bed.

Suraj was fuming in anger.

Vivaan; seems like I should change the party too...

Suraj looked at him. In which party did u ever were?! U work for urself!

Vivaan; at least I don't live with a secret like u! Right now it's safe but for how long? Only time will say!.

They all left from there Ajay took the gun n saved the fingerprints on it.

Imli was taken again for selling n Karan was caged in a locker this time no one could help him to escape.

KN was in his room. Chakor u r trying to be smart but I will....

A sound was to hear from outside.

Suraj; Chakor... hey?! He closed the door n rushed to her. He kisses her back n hugs her tight.

Chakor; Suraj.... she turns to him her eyes were red n swollen bcz of The unstoppable crying.

Suraj; shh please relax. Just relax...

KN was looking outside the window but there was nothing. He went out n called for Shikhu.

Shikhu; Yes Malik.. u called me.

KN was angry. Y it took u so long?!.

Shikhu; woh I was in the washroom...!

KN shook his head. Go n check the backyard I think there is someone!.

Shikhu nods n went out. But there was no one...

KN heard a sound again this time from the kitchen. He took out his gun n went on his tiptoes to the kitchen....

He pointed the gun but there was no one... to point on.

Suraj; Hey Chakor look at me.. he is playing with u! U have to stay strong!!! U hear stay strong or he will win! U come to free us then help me! But don't lose ur mind... that is he gonna do!

Chakor looked at him. What r u saying?!.

Suraj smirks. He is with Ajay or is Ajay with us?!.

Chakor; I don't know?!

Suraj; but I know na... u will see soon the first big victory against KN.

Chakor was confused but also happy. What did u planned behind my back n y did u keep me in dark?!.

Suraj looked down. Actually I wanted to tell u but...

Chakor saw his guilt. But Karan influences ur mind. He said I have secrets I'm hiding, right?!.

Suraj nods. U know he said u r not my real Chakor. So I make the check with the pinching cheeks.

Chakor nods. Haan I know! But y u trust me now again. Bcz of our weird code word Jaan?!.

Suraj shook his head. No!

Chakor; then?!.

Suraj smiles his eyes were shining. I know it's u... bcz I have marked u as mine... how can I let u go? When I just found u!

I recognised that fake in seconds as my heart was saying it wasn't u... I saw u my heart was indicating me that u r mine! Only Mine Chakor!

I don't need a code word! All I need is ur love!

Chakor kisses his nose. She feels so blessed to have found her true love...

Suraj; he said u have a secret but u don't have right?!.

Chakor; I'm an open book for u! U tell me is there anything I would hide from u?!.

Suraj shook his head. No...! He kisses her lips.


They all rushed down.

KN was lying on the floor.

Suraj; Papa...!!!

Ranjhana; Kamal ji what happen to him?!.

Suraj; call the doctor!.

KN opens his eyes. He saw everyone... this can't be true no no no I save them dying. It can't be true...

Suraj; what who?!!

KN; the villagers. U killed them right?!.

Suraj nods. In front of U!!!

KN; woh they come back..

Ranjhana; what r u saying?! How can they comeback they r death..

KN stood up. Do u want to say I'm blind?!that I'm seeing ghosts. Suraj!!! Do u killed them or not?!

Suraj; Doctor What is wrong with my father??!

Doc; maybe he is under a shock. He is suffering from stress n hallucinating death humans...

Teju; do u wanna say he is...

Vivaan; losing his mind...

KN; I'm not mad I saw them they were real!!!

Suraj; but Papa I killed them all in front of U!!!

Adi was hiding with his camera n projector 📽 he has faked the people... with Suraj recordings.

Suraj; okay Papa did u could touch them? Talk to them?! What???!

KN was thinking. I'm not mad I know what I saw... I will prove u all!!!!

Chakor; Kamal Narayan those poor souls u have killed by ur sons's hands r back to haunt U! U won't survive this time.

KN; Chipkali I won't leave u... U did this all.

Suraj; Papa... I was with her... laughing on her destiny that she is ur DIL n my Bandhua Wife!
How she could do this???!

KN Haan how?! No I'm sure what I saw I will prove them I'm not mad!

He left from there... Ranjhana follows him n his goons too...

Teju, Suraj, Chakor n Vivaan were still in the hall....


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