A painful Wedding

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Recap; Suraj hates Chakor. He doesn't trust her anymore.

Suraj went down he was hurt n pissed his eyes were red he was holding back his tears.

Teju; S.. Suraj...?! beta

Suraj didn't met her gaze he looked here n there his view was blurring... the layers of tears were blurring his view.


He shout as loud as he could. The reporters n Adi had left like Ajay.

Chakor was crying she really wants to tell Suraj the true abt her past but he has to listen to her frist. But right now there is no use to talk to him. He hates her... he doesn't love her... he can't trust her... anymore.

Suraj left the mansion to get a clear head. How could u Chakor?! I gave u a chance but u! U hide it! When do u wanted to tell me? Do u even wanted to tell me?! I don't think so! I hate myself for falling in love with a woman like u!.

Teju comes up to Chakor... Chakor cries on her lap but she didn't say anything. She was just craving for hold n support.

Teju tried to calm her. Chakor.., he is angry now but he needs time to understand u don't give up! U will fight for him. He is stubborn but he has a golden heart.

Chakor nods. But he hates me... he doesn't love me Maa.

Teju caresses her cheek. Enough Chakor today is ur wedding. U know a wedding is a relationship both have to give full attention to it u both have to work together to make it happen. Now u have to fight alone. But soon when he understand he will be with U. He needs time.

Chakor nods. She cleans her face n was abt to get ready... when the door opens.

KN; haha Bandhua... u r gud for nothing. Chi! I thought u would be better than ur sis... but u r even worst...

Chakor; KN mind ur language

KN; oh she still can speak... after this much of insult u can look into my eyes n shout at me in my house! Hadt {Get lost}!. U r not even worth it to talk to... he leaves.

Chakor U r not even worth it... Suraj... trust me once ... listen to me once ...

Teju; Chakor don't take his words... come...

Suraj was in front of a liquor store. I have stopped to drink years ago... but I want to forget that hurt... which u gave me Chakor.

He went inside n starts to drink with one small shot... which increases to many more...

Soon the night appears..... the mansion was shown

Chakor was coming with Teju

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Chakor was coming with Teju

Chakor was coming with Teju

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