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Recap; Vivaan knows abt Suraj identity

Suraj; What? Special agent..?!

Vivaan smirks. Oh come on Suraj don't act like if u don't know anything. He put his hand in his pocket n took out a wallet...

Suraj was looking at it. It was Vivaan wallet but the ID card he took out belongs to Suraj. It was the badge of Suraj.

Suraj; Vivaan! What do u want??.

Vivaan; revenge!!

Suraj; what? From whom Chakor n me?! U know this will end bad!

Vivaan; No I want revenge from Ranjhana n KN... n u will help me!

Suraj; Ranjhana she is ur mother!

Vivaan smiles. I know she killed my father for power!. U know that too right!

Suraj nods. Haan I know what she did... but I don't want to kill anyone I want to put them in jail.

Vivaan; do it but ruin them... ruin their relationship.

Suraj; what u mean...?!

Vivaan; easy make them enemies tell him the truth abt Papas death n see what he does. Then u can arrest him.

Suraj shook his head. I can't it would be like leading him... he will out of jail n I will lose my badge.

Vivaan; I don't care! I want her death...

Suraj; No! U can kill her if u want but I won't lead anyone to kill someone.... but then I will arrest u...

Vivaan; fine but at least make them hate each other.

Suraj smirks. I don't need to do that. Ur work of the previous acts has done it!

Some where else.

The hatch opens to Karans prison.

A woman come in.

Karan; Imli... gud u come get me out of here!

Imli; haan wait u told it Suraj?

Karan smirks. Haan I told him abt the "secret"

Imli smiles. Gud he trust ur words?!

Karan thought. I'm not sure the way he looked at me... he was ready to kill me but he didn't say a word against Chakor.

Chakor come down to hall. Suraj is taking a lot of time he must be hungry when he returns.

KN comes into the mansion. Chipkali stay at ur room this is my mansion.

Chakor; KN don't forget I'm the DIL of this mansion. I have an equal right to be here as u have... besides if I'm not wrong this mansion is written under my husbands name! Suraj!

KN fumes in anger. Today he is ur husband. What is he tomorrow?!.

Chakor; unfortunately he will be my husband then too... like the REST OF UR LIFE! Saying this she smirks

KN fumes even more. But their arguing wasn't heard by Karan n Imli who just come up...

Chakor n KN turns to the hatch...

Chakor; Karan? Imli!

KN smiles. Now u see what I will do...? My Son married u to take revenge... u see ur lover Karan now I will take his life for revenge! Then truly U will be the wife of Suraj the REST OF UR LIFE... hahaha.

Chakor idiot. Go ahead n give my Suraj the opportunity to arrest u. No KN u can't!!!

Suraj n Vivaan heard Chakors shout...

KN; Run...! Hahaha. He points the gun on KarMi.

KN; I said Run!!!

Karan n Imli looked at each other. Chakor; No!!! U can't kill them!

KN; I can't u r right but u can!

Chakor; what?!

KN pulls her he places the gun in her hand n pushed the trigger...

Suraj n Vivaan come down witnessing the whole game of KN.

KN; now look u shot the bullet n u hit Imli on her back... he lifts her hand again...

KN; Wah Chakor Wah..., u hit with the bullet Karan on his back too... well done!

Chakor was numb. What have u done?!.

KN; hahahaha

Suraj comes down he immediately rushes out of the mansion. Both were lying on the ground but no blood...?!

Suraj turns to KN. Papa they r alive!

KN; I know these aren't real bullets. Take them in! But Imli will be sold!

Chakor was crying as she thought she had killed someone. Vivaan comes down he helped Suraj with Karan...

Imli was taken away by the goons. Suraj immediately msg Ajay to take care of the matter this time.

KN; u know I have found another way to harm u.

Chakor; what now?!.

Suraj; Papa I'm here na u don't worry!

KN stopped him. Haan u r for physical abuse n pain but I will be here for her mentally abuse.

Vivaan; u still don't want him to commit a crime.

Suraj; no but I like his idea...

Vivaan looked at him.

Suraj smirks...,


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