Chakors past

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Recap; Suraj is taken to the hospital. He is out of danger as he woke up out of his comatose state. Chakor stayed in his room with a determinant decision. Not to leave until he hears her.

So finally her past..

Chakor was close enough that Suraj couldn't do anything. Being weak was one thing but being hurt n sad which her eyes were clearly showing to him... made him calm.

Chakor took a deep breath she sat on the chair. She collects her thought together looking into Suraj eyes.

Chakor; I will tell U my truth of my past... everything... Suraj was looking at her with hate n understanding.

Chakor 2 years back when I was in Mumbai I started my career.. I met him... Karan...

FB 2 years ago.. in italic
In between talks in bold present

I was practicing with Arjun Sir he was n is the best teacher I could ever found.

Arjun; Chakor take a breath n drink some water.

I was exhausted I was taking short breaths holding my stomach coz of side ache. Suddenly a hand appear with a bottle of water. I took it n drunk of it.

Chakor; Thanks. Still breathing!

A man; mention not!

I spits the water out n coughed..

The man tapped my back lightly.

I felt embarrassed for a moment. Sorry!

The man; no I'm sorry. I scared U. Btw I'm Karan... Karan Mehta nice to meet U.

He forwarded his hand.. I was scared yet excited. He was the first man who come close to me... he didn't knew that I was the runner 501 no one knew it... only Arjun n Bhagya.

I took his hand. Chakor Khanna. Nice to meet U.

Karan; my pleasure. I really didn't wanted to scare U. Actually I saw how much u were training n thought to give u something to drink. To built ur energy back.

I smiled. Oh really what abt an energy bar?!

Karan looked at me blankly... oh I didn't thought of that... I'm sorry... wa.. wait!

I laughed. He was so cute the moment he really wanted to rush to a store n buy one. I stopped him saying. I was just kidding relax.

Karan too laughs with me. I left with Arjun.. I never thought to meet him again but... he come every day... every single day even when it rained.

Arjun; Who is he?!.

Chakor; He is Karan a friend...!

Arjun; A friend?! He asked a little bit suspiciously.

I blushed. As I didn't know it either what he was for me or what he was expecting me for him.

Arjun; Chakor to world has moved on... y don't u move on too?!

I was thinking of it many times... Haan y I do have to fight?! Y can't someone else do the fight! I was lost in my own world... that I didn't react on the voices...

Someone shook me. I come out of my trance to find Karan in front of me...

I looked at my back but Arjun was gone...

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