A team up SuKor

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Recap; Suraj explains is plan of Fake marriage.
Chakor agreed while Ajay fumed in jealousy.

Chakor was up in the room Suraj gave her. She found a beautiful dress on the bed. He really has planned everything. Maybe he isn't that stupid.

Suraj was in his room wearing the groom outfit. Uff who could have believed it that I lost my heart on my enemy... hmm was she every enemy?!. No only that of my old man.

Chakor was trying to wear those heavy clothes but she had many problems then she hears a know on the door.

Chakor; who?!
A woman; Bijli!
Chakor; Bijli? She repeat in confusion. The light is on!
Bijli laughs. Haha no Bijli is my name. I'm Suraj Bhais assistant do u need any help?!.
Chakor; oh u r his assistant. Haan come in I need help!.

Bijli opens the door n enters into the room.

Chakor; Hi I'm Chakoriya. Chakor.

Bijli; I know who u r. Welcome to the team!.

Chakor; Thank U!. Well can u help me?! I can't wear this...?!

Chakor shows her the dress n Bijli helped her in wearing it.

Chakor shows her the dress n Bijli helped her in wearing it

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Chakor; uff these clothes r very heavy. I don't know how the other's can even handle them.

Bijli; who cares u look beautiful!

Chakor looked at herself through the mirror. Haan u r right! She shies a bit. Thank U!.

Bijli; Arrey u r awesome.

Chakor n Bijli comes down where Suraj was waiting in the hall.

Chakor n Bijli comes down where Suraj was waiting in the hall

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Bijli; Sir 👌 not bad.

Suraj smirks. I know I look good in everything I wear! 😎.

Chakor couldn't believe how self loved this man is.

Suraj; close ur mouth Bandhua Biwi! Or else a fly will enter.

Chakor closed her mouth. She pouts n turns her face crossing her arms around her chest.

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