SuKor #2

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Recap; SuKor #1

Chakor was hitting him with the pillow. Suraj let her he didn't care as he knows she won't stop until she has satisfied her anger.

Suraj took each pillow hit of hers as a love gift.

Chakor; it doesn't make fun if u just smile like this!

Suraj 😘💋.

Chakor pushes him away. No Suraj... she took off her shirt... n bind her hairs in a bun.

Suraj was angry all those marks were given her by Vivaan n Imli. He wants to break their neck but he can't. He took his bag n looked for the ointment he had packed. Haan Chakor might have packed his clothes but he had packed her first aid kit.

Chakor was waiting. Suraj how long will u take?!

Suraj shook his head. Ma'am Saab Bas 2 min aur. {Ma'am just two mim}.

Chakor; haaw... y r u so cute?!

Suraj; Khuda ki rehmat {by God's grace}.

Chakor; Uff Suraj do u have for everything an answer?!

Suraj; u should know by now!

Chakor; haan y I am even asking U?!.

Suraj; bcz u love me!

Chakor; haan so to hai {yes that is true}. Suraj!!!

Suraj smirks. Hehe 😏.

Chakor pouts. U know how much I trust u... I mean just look at me.. I'm topless in front of u.

Suraj; n I'm that kind of gentlemen that I'm not even staring u. I'm just waiting for u...

Chakor turns to him. Suraj no shayari...

Suraj hold himself. Okay fine... He applied the ointment on her back.

Chakor hisses.

Suraj; Sorry! But y it is hurting today when it didn't hurt yesterday?!.

Chakor; hmm 🤔 bcz Yesterday u were much closer... than today.

Suraj comes closer. He then again applied the ointment n blows the air on the wound.

Chakor was lying on the bed on his lap. While he was applying another layer on her wound.

Chakor; Suraj... sing a Lullaby for me... plz! U r so in ur shayari u must have a lullaby for me...

Suraj was thinking... hmm y didn't Bhagya sing for u?! Well I can tell U she never sung for me!

Chakor could hear his pain. Suraj did ur mom sing for u?!

Suraj; maybe but I was blind n ignored it.. I was just seeking for the love of my father... u know he was just too busy with other's than with me... I asked for love he teaches me to hate. What was my mistake that I become his son...?!

Chakor stood up she looked at him. Suraj don't say like this. There is/was nothing u could have changed destiny is written. The day we open our eyes on this world our life is written in our hands. We can't change them... we can't change our palm lines... but we can just wait for the result.

Suraj; haan Maybe u r right. But what was the mistake of Ragini?!. Y she had to suffer that much?!.

Chakor; I can't tell U! Suraj I'm sorry what had happened to Ragini is worse but we can't change this! But who knows u might get angry on me... but if it never happened would u be a good or a bad man?!.

Suraj glares at her. He pushes her away n left the room.

Chakor didn't went behind him. She knows she hurt him. But she needed to hurt him otherwise he wouldn't understand what happens happens for gud. Unfortunately a poor soul had to leave this world but this innocent soul had formed a new Suraj a better Suraj...!

Suraj was downstairs looking here n there for something to drink. Chakor don't u have a drop of alcohol?! I need something to drink! To forgot!.

Suraj was taking much time. Chakor heard the sound of an engine... she looked out of the window. Suraj was driving away.

Chakor doesn't know what she should do now. She waited n waited n waited... till he returns.
She walked the stairs down to the hall.

Suraj wasn't drunken or anything. He was just broken.

Chakor hold him. Shh Suraj... I know it is very hard to lose someone to understand the pain of the lost isn't new for me. But...

Suraj was sealing her lips...

Chakor reciprocates.

Suraj; I don't want to talk!

Chakor nods... she took his hand n went up with him. She lies on his chest as usual for her now...

Suraj Haan Chakor her death has changed me. But y she needed to die?!! What was her fault?!! Y doesn't KN lives?! He has ruined many life's incl. mine! He has to pay I just hope he makes his first mistake then he is gone!.

Chakor was cuddling him.., as he wasn't doing nor speaking with her.

Chakor; Suraj I want to hear a Shayari now..

Suraj was shocked. What a Shayari from me now?!

Chakor; Haan y do u need time to prepare them I thought u can start instantly..?! I'm so disappointed!

Mere Pyaar ko kabool kiya
Mere dil ko apna banaya
Ek khwaab joodha
Do manzilen ek hui
Meri dua khali nahi gayi

{U accepted my love
U accepted my heart
A dream is shared
Our aims become one
My prays were heard}

Chakor; much better than the other one!

She kisses his lips...
Suraj liked it...

Chakor was lying on him. Resting her head on his shoulder...


I was in good mood...

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