Sukor romance {4 every1}

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Recap; Suraj is discharged n now they r at Suraj home.

Suraj; u know I'm faster than U...

Chakor; oh Catch me first then we will see how fast u r..!

She runs away from him n was chasing her... he stopped n thought. Hmm even if I catch what will I get?!.

Chakor; what happened r u already out of breath. Hahaha... she runs out of the house into the garden n Suraj follows her... she was standing there looking into the beautiful garden...

Suraj places his hands around her belly. I caught u...

Chakor smiles. I wasn't running away... I gave u a chance...

Suraj looked at her... u gave me what?!

Chakor places her hands on his hands. She rested her head on his chest while he was resting his chin on her head. Where were u lost?!

Chakor cuddles with her cheek on his chest. In our future...

Suraj turns her. He gave her an intense look. U know someday u n me were having dozens of kids... let me just start.. wooohw.

Chakor pushes him n runs away... showing him her tongue 😝.

Suraj chased her ti the tree as she was hiding behind it.

Suraj; now I have to hug a tree to get to my wife... he hugs the tree 🌲 to hug Chakor.

Chakor laughs. Suraj stop it's tickling me.

Suraj; then come out I caught u two times but I haven't got anything from u yet...

Chakor comes in front of him. Suraj okay u want something ?!

Suraj; haan I think I have waited quite long for u know... u n me...😎..

Chakor smiles. Haan but I'm not in the mood instead I will prepare the meal!

Suraj thought meal food can she even cook. Suraj Babu be prepared ur stomach gonna die.

Chakor snaps with her finger. Suraj... where r u lost?!!

Suraj; nowhere come I will show u the kitchen!.

Chakor took his hand both went inside the house.

Chakor; Suraj tell me what do u want to eat?!

Suraj; easy what u can make the best!

Chakor; hmm 🤔 acha... Bhagya n Arjun said I'm not that gud but I try... hmm 🤔

Suraj; hmm Dal

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Suraj; hmm Dal... lentil???

Chakor; with rice or bread?!

Suraj; what u like... I will eat!

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