08. The replacement

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I just kept blinking. I had to because I was unsure of what I was witnessing here. Two of Zak...

Well one went by the name of Dakota and he had brown eyes but that's splitting hairs.

"Hey." Dakota smiles at me making a warm friendly feeling course through my system.

I returned his smile instantly "Hi. I'm Delilah."

"Dakota. So you're the trouble maker huh?" He asks.

"Apparently so. Great to meet you."

"Y-yeah yeah. You too!" He rushes giving me a grin. "Have you met Jay and Mike?" He asks.

I nod having met the two 30 minutes before Dakota arrived off his flight.

"What's up short stuff?" Aaron asks me coming over to us.

"Good flight?"

He nods. "You should fly. Less hassle."

"Maybe next time I will. You'll have to book me a seat beside you, eh?" I elbowed him playfully.

"Beside you where?" Zak asks joining the conversation.

"Flying with me next time we head out." Aaron replies as Dakota fiddled with his coat.

I had never realised how much Zak and Dakota was alike and from sheer age difference you could say Zak was his dad. Another surprise came at how hyperactive Dakota was now nervous and edgy and he shifted on his feet.

When I looked over he smiled and lowered his head. Shaking off what I thought to be a little nervousness, I looked to Zak who was also looking at me quizzically.

"Didn't enjoy the ass whooping on COD. We will have round two." Zak promises.

I laugh "Ha! You almost went through that box of tissues with your crying! My lucky controller."

He chuckles "Well let's see who's laughing on the way home when I have it back."

"We sure will. Is everyone here?" I question looking around at the small congregation of men.

"Yep. Billy is with Bacon getting us hire cars." Zak explains making me nod and glance around.

"And then what?"

"Then Aaron, Dakota, Billy and Jay head to the hotel." Zak replies heading towards the first black SUV that's pulled up.

"And me?"

"No! You're coming to the rental with me and Bacon!" Zak calls back before turning his back to me and sticking his head into the car window.

My face must have said it all, as Dakota laughs "He's really not that bad. Odd. But then we all are to be part of this team." He smiles bunching his shoulders before dropping them.

"Can't I just come to the hotel with you two?" I ask both Aaron and Dakota.

"I think Zak is suppose to be mentoring you, the producer said you're mirroring him? So I guess that includes preplanning and any last minute research." Aaron informs me before adding. "Prepare for late nights, when he's got a bit between his teeth, he's like a pit bull until he lets go."

"Brilliant.." I murmur as they both head off towards Billy, leaving me stood next to the RV.

I pull out my phone and send Jack a text hoping he's got his phone on him and on silent in his meeting. I'm pushing it back into my pocket when Zak jogs back and climbs onto the RV before getting off with his wallet in his hand.

"Hey, can't I just stay at the hotel?" I ask before he disappears.

"You could, if the hotel wasn't already booked with two weddings. I tried last night, no luck. The rental is big, you'll get your own room. The guys stay at a hotel because they prefer someone to clean up after them, I'm housetrained enough not to need it. Listen you're heading to the rental with Bacon, I've got somewhere to be."

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