27- Break in the cracks

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The next day is spent planning the lockdown, no re-enactments are needed for this lockdown as it was going to be solely on saying goodbye to two people they cared for.

I noticed Zak was withdrawn and often stood quietly whilst the buzz of activity around him continued. He posed for fan photos and did autographs maintaining a smile on his face but the moment he got a second, he returned to his glum self. He was suffering a little more than the rest and I could only presume it's because Debbie confided in him over things.

Sitting inside his truck, I had the AC on blast, cooling myself down as the temperatures soared to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Turning out to be one of the hottest temperatures recorded in Virginia City, yet!

Rolling my head across the leather, I sigh and go to grab my bottle of water when the car door opens beside me, making me jump.

"We back from lunch now?" I ask ready to go again, but not ready to leave the AC.

Zak doesn't reply, just gets in and slams the door.

"Hey!" I snap, not liking being ignored, this makes him look at me. "What's going on?"

"Come for a drive with me.. Please?" He asks.

I nod seeing the desperation in his face,  and pull on my belt as he drives away.

We don't speak, or glance at one another as he drives along, in fact I don't look up from my hands which are sat on my lap, holding the bottle between my hands until the truck stops.

But as soon as I do, I look over to Zak questioningly.

We were back by the swings...


Every parent in Reno had the same idea when the weather was this hot, to stay indoors with the kids or go swimming, which left the children's park empty besides a dog walker that circulated the outskirts of it. It being far too hot to walk a dog, in my opinion..

Since arriving, we hadn't spoken and just taken our seats on the swings, like yesterday. I sat back to front so I could see his face the whole time. This had become our safety zone, or I presumed it has.

"You know, sharing helps, and if you do.... I'll buy you more ice cream." I coax.

"I don't want ice cream..." He murmurs.

"What do you want?" I ask pushing off my toes to swing gently. My eyes lock with his as he stares at me before lowering his head.

"I don't know."

A part of me had hoped he would have said me, whilst the other part was relieved he didn't.

"What do you dream about?" He asks.

This question was becoming a favourite of his and I wondered if telling him would shut him up, but I knew that it would only bring on a surge of my questions and frankly I didn't want that.

"Random things really, why?"

"Like what?"

I frown "I don't know Zak, why do you want to know so much?"

He shrugs. "Shall I tell you my dream, from last night?"

My throat runs dry as I instantly question if I want to know. Maybe I did Maybe I didn't? But if I heard something I didn't like, I'd never be unable to un-hear it..

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