14. The first

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This chapter may seem familiar, it's of the one shot, the one that cemented the idea of this story

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This chapter may seem familiar, it's of the one shot, the one that cemented the idea of this story... I have tweaked it in places but no major differences have been made. Please keep in mind of the time skip.


Zak smirked as he looked up the RV bus, at the latest addition to the crew. He had been worried for weeks at how the changes would effect the show, would ratings change? Would committed fans turn?

He too remembered his reaction being much the same. When the channel approached him with the proposition, he laughed. Then he refused, declined and argued until they then gave him an ultimatum, change or lose a prime time spot on Saturday night.

They had his neck in a noose, his arm was twisted, a metaphorical gun was placed to his temple. Comply or lose it all...

Would the fans welcome the change? The fact that things are being spiced up?

He hoped so...

"Put your tongue away." Bacon jested making Zak look over at him.

"Shut up. You're sniffing worse than a dog."

Bacon chuckled "She's hot.."

"She is Dakota's age... Grandad."

"Screw you!" He bit back. "She's also a few years older than Dakota... Actually."

Zak lifted his brow at Bacon's response. It was one of defence. He didn't say anymore and simply laughed as the next song pumped through the RV.

He expected some kind of complaining, maybe even so distaste, but he got quiet the opposite as the woman that was laying on his bed began singing and screaming along with Marilyn Manson's - Tainted Love.

He never took Delilah for being the hard rocking type. Everything about her looked innocent. In fact the moment Zak came face to face with her. He refused point blank to subject her to a life on the road or a night life of chasing demons simply because... Because she was too innocent.

He was curious about her, for sure. Despite a month of working together, he was still no closer in cracking the enigma she was.

Her dark hair and pale skin was one of a few things he took notice off, but it was the dark green eyes which absorbed and captured any emotion, whilst her face kept a cool exterior. She gave nothing away and for that, he always found her slightly dangerous too.

"You're staring." Bacon sang.

"I'll make you walk." Zak warned him, causing Bacon to mutter back and turn his attention back to his phone.

Zak watched as she rolled off the end of the bed and threw her long hair forward ruffling it with her fingers. He found himself wanting to run his fingers through the dark locks, that seemed to reflect the sun. He watched her flick it back over her head and fix it in the mirror.

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