12. Self Control

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The week flew reasonably quick and on the last day we had everyone over at the rental before heading home.

Whilst it was more of a get together before Aaron, Billy, Dakota, Jay and Mike flew home, it was also a time for me to fly the drone.

"You can't go wrong with this." Dakota said sat beside me on the grass as I held the iPad between my hands chewing my lip raw.

"Yeah I can. I could totally drop it into the sea."

He pulls a face "Okay you have a point."

I whimper causing him to shift closer so he can see the screen too. As the spotter, Billy was sat in the sun lounger waiting for the drone to take off.

"Come on Delilah. Press a button and stop being a wimp." He teases making me throw a playful glare at him.

"Dude, just watch for a bird or something." Zak mutters.

I turn back to look at the screen withholding my frown. Since the crew had arrived, his attitude had been off. I didn't want to poke the bear with a stick but he seemed to be in a miserable mood and it hadn't shifted since he woke up.

"Okay. Now I press this one right?" I ask looking at Dakota who nods. "Then what?"

Maybe it was the age range between us, but I found it easier to learn from
Dakota than what I would if Zak was breathing down my neck ordering me to do this and that. Dakota seemed gentle and spoke in a calm tone where as Zak barks if I get something wrong.

And I have.... A few times this week.

"Okay." I sigh and start pressing buttons until a beep sounds and the drone blades begin to spin. I wait, staring hard at the drone as it slowly picks itself off the ground.

"HA! I did it!" I cry before grinning hard.

"Let's see you try and keep it from smashing into the ground." Zak throws in, stealing my slice of excitement

"Dude." Billy speaks from behind me to him.

"Whatever." Zak adds and I catch him snaking off indoors when I look over my shoulder.

"Is he okay?" I ask Billy and Aaron.

"Tired." They both reply instantly before looking at each other.

It's hard to point out that Zak had over 15 hours sleep last night. Of course he could have been on his phone all night but he hit the hay early. Maybe he was getting sick?

You sleep a lot when you're sick.

"Delilah." Dakota speaks making me look at him as he points at the drone to remind me that I'm suppose to be flying it, not making it hover...

"Oh sorry." I laugh and slowly begin to control it.


I only feel some relief when the drone is packed away, after my flying lesson. I never let it go too high and even stood up to make sure that if it fell, I could run and grab it in time.

"Coming down onto the beach guys?" Billy asks as I lock the case and set it inside the doorway.

"Yup!" Dakota answers heading off with the crew.

"Let me grab a jacket." I add. Heading inside, I snag the nearest hoody I can find before zipping it up. From the size of it, I presume it's Bacon's or Aaron's from the lighter in the pocket. So with the hoody/ dress, as it came down to the top of my knees, I set off.

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