23- This Phoenix Will Rise

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I was mad.

My feet pounded across the ground as I marched up to Zak's door, the next morning. The sun was warming up in the sky and my anger seemed to rise with it.

I had spent all night, all night! Tossing and turning in the bed, I couldn't get comfortable with the nagging voice in the back of my mind asking me stupid questions at 3am... You know who I blame?


I didn't care if it was 9am or 9pm. Whether the time was sociable or not, I wanted to have this out with him, once and for all.

Hammering his front door, I shifted on my feet, flexing my hands and quickly casting my eyes over to my car, which Bacon hadn't dropped over. Because of this asshat behind the door.

I was about to bring thunder down on it again when Zak opened up. My well thought about script left my mind instantly as I glared at a sweat glistened chest as he wiped off his face.

"D-Delilah, what do I owe the pleas–"

I shoved past him and into his home. "Cut the bullshit okay. What the hell was that last night and why have you stopped Bacon bringing my car to me?"

"Breakfast?" He asks closing the door before sauntering away.

The way his back shifts whilst he walks makes my mouth water, but I have to remember why I'm here, and drooling over the man which was causing me nothing but Agro was not the way to go about it.

"No I don't want breakfast!" I seethed following after him. "I want my keys and I want this to stop."

"I don't know what you mean?"

"The games Zak." I hiss exasperatedly, tugging on my hair. Zak had turned to look at me. "This isn't a game! This is my life!"

"Don't have a go at me! You started it and let's be honest, you can't be happy in your life if you're looking elsewhere." He replies coolly.

"I'm not looking!"

"Then why kiss me?" He challenges holding onto his small waist.

"Because I'm an idiot! It was one massive mistake that's never. Never going to happen again. I want you to stop with the lingering looks, stop with the touching, no more kissing and I want my keys."

"No." He replies instantly.

My anger flairs up. "Why are you being a dick?!"

"Because I can see you're not happy. Delilah he speaks to you as if you're nothing, as if you're some beggar at his feet. Why do you let him do that? You're worth so much fucking more!" He frowns looking down at me with his green and blue swirled eyes.

"I don't... Y-You don't know anything about me!"

"Because you won't let anyone in! I  saw it with my own eyes last night, how he talks to you. I'm not a fucking idiot. What does he have over you?"

I frown as I look up at him. He really things Jack is capable of blackmail? No. Persuasion? Absolutely, he's like a pit-bull until you're thinking in his way rather than you're own. Could also be classified as manipulative.

Shaking my head, I roll my eyes. "Just give me my keys. Please."

"No. I won't."

"Just give me my fucking keys!" I roar back.

He blinks and looks at me in shock before his lips quiver a smile.

"This is another game!" I snap and go to push past him when he blocks me. Twisting, I try to move the opposite way but I'm trapped between his arms and the work surface.

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