35- It changes everything.

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"I'm Delilah's mother. It's a pleasure to meet you." The woman beamed at them both.

Zak turned his head slightly to see Delilah whose hand tightened. Her eyes never left the woman, it's only then that he saw the button nose and cheekbone similarity between them. He figured Delilah's father must have had the grey eyes.

The same eyes he couldn't wait to see every morning and had been waking up earlier every time just to get his daily fill.

"You. You're Delilah's Mother?" Zak asked.

The woman nodded "The one and only."

Zak felt the shield Delilah used to wear building up in her, subsequently building one up in him also.

He smiled. "I'm so happy to meet you."

Her mother looked to Delilah "You're so beautiful..."

Zak felt Delilah's shift behind him. Which caused his eyes to harden. "As I said, I'm so happy to meet you."

"You are?" The woman asked flicking her hair over her shoulder. He watched as she held herself in a new manner, one of confidence and man eatery. Her chest went out and her lips pouted.

"I am. I've been dreaming of saying this..."

"And what is that?"

Zak stepped forward "Get. The. Fuck. Out. You abusive fucking bitch."

Her mothers smile faltered. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. How dare you come here?! How dare you come near her?!" Zak's voice raised as he felt the protectiveness come into his body.

Who the hell did she think she was?! Coming in here and scaring Delilah like that!

"I don't know what's been said. But Delilah has a tendency to exaggerate—"

"Exaggerate?! Lady the only reason you're still stood there and not 6 under is because you're a woman! You abused her the moment her father passed away! You locked her in cupboards! Starved her! Let a drunk beat on her! And he was going to sellbher for sex! All so you could shove shit up your nose!" He shouted.

Zak pulled his wallet out and grabbed the notes. "The only fucking reason you've came looking is for your next fix! So here!" He crossed the reception area and stuffed the notes into her hand. "Take them, get the fuck out and never come back!"

"I don't want your money. I want my daughter—"

"You're not having her! Or her time! She's too good for scum like you!"

"You're controlling... Aren't you?" Her mother asks Zak looking up at him.

His jaw clenched "Right now I see this going two ways. You leave. Or I'll throw you out and believe me. For that woman behind me.. I'll do it."

Her mother glared up at him, but saw the determination in his face and shook her head.

"Delilah, sweetheart. I know I've messed up. I can't ask you to forgive me, some things are unforgivable. But I do want to build a relationship with you..." Her mother moved around Zak and walked towards Delilah. She placed the money Zak had given her into Delilah's hand before smiling softly.

"I've never been a mother to you. But my child, you are beautiful. Those eyes...."

Delilah stiffened as tears welled up in the very eyes her mom mentioned.

Her mother smiled gently and pulled a piece of paper from her pocket. "I knew it wouldn't be all rainbows and kisses. I don't expect anything more than what I'm receiving right now. But I would like to talk. Here is my number."

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