09. Substancial

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I woke the next morning to the shrilling of my alarm on my phone. As I patted the side to stop it's noise, I made a mental note to change the tone and find whoever invented the idea of an alarm on a cell phone and personally punch them in the dick. Or punch them in the tit.

Frowning at the bright screen, I saw a good morning text from Jack laced with good luck and his wishes that I have an amazing first day filming. I reply instantly and hit send before going to put my phone back when I pause.

A book...

My book.

No, it wasn't mine. Mine was destroyed.

Sitting up, I wipe the sleep from my eyes and pull the book onto my lap looking down at the new book in awe. Smiling, I open up the book slightly and stick my nose within the pages and inhale.

It's new..

I flick through the pages until I hit the first page where black ink is scrawled onto the page.

Buying a book is not about obtaining a possession...

It's about securing a portal.

- Laura Miller.

But before I could have any doubts on who replaced my book, I found the book mark and a laugh cracked from my body instantly. Knowing he needed a thank you, I got up out of bed to take a shower.


Stepping into the kitchen, I expected the late night Lothario to be looking a little worse for wear or even the slightest bit tired. But he's not...

Nope he's stood with a protein shake in his hand, rattling it back and forth whilst looking at his phone.

"Morning." He greets me.

"Morning." I smile slipping into a seat at the table.

"Breakfast?" He asks.

"Oh.. I can make it myself." I rush making him chuckle.

"I know, I was just reminding you, that you'd need breakfast today. It's going to be a long day filming."

My cheeks redden "Of course you were." I nod feeling like a complete idiot.

"Is Bacon up yet?" I question.

"Nope. He's not needed on set, so it's just you and me, kid."

"Delilah." I correct him.

"Sure." He responds as he pops the cap off and beings drinking an unappetising looking shake. It's light brown almost greyish colour made me feel a little sick. I never knew brown could morph to grey but I was witnessing it.

He watches me as he drinks it back, presumingly trying to make me cringe further as I find myself watching the concoction disappear and his throat bob. When my eyes trail a little further to the opening of his shirt, where a few buttons had yet to be done up, that I tear my eyes away.

What was that? What were you playing at?

Were you checking him out?


"I wasn't." I speak trying to stop the voice in my head goading. Only my outburst was picked up.

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