Chapter 7

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Disclaimer~ This is the most "drama" / intense filled chapter so far
Also, this is a few days after the last chapter took place

Camila POV

Kj💖~ Cammmmiiiiii
Kj💖~ Hellooooo
Kj💖~ I'm bored aye
Kj💖~ Can you come over?

Cami💞~ I'll be over in 15

Kj💖~ Smh, now you answer

I laughed before getting dressed into shorts and a tank top.  5 minutes later I'm grabbing my keys and walking out the door and over to Kj's.

I was literally in his driveway when I got mobbed by paparazzi, and because of paparazzi a bunch of other people noticed who I was and asked for pictures.  I took as many pictures as I could before walking up Kj's driveway.  Paparazzi started following me up the driveway so I stopped ignoring them.

"If I answer a few questions will you guys walk back down the driveway and stay on the other side of the street?" I negotiate.  They nod before they start asking away:

"Are you Lili, Cole, and Kj still friends? Seems like you guys have been distant"
"Of course we are, and we haven't been distant your just trying to start drama"
"Anything you can tell us about the new Riverdale episode?"
"Sorry I can't say much but I can tell you to except some Bughead, Jarchie, drama, and of course the real endgame, Varchie"
"Where can you see the newest episode?"
"On the CW Channel at 8/7 central, every Wednesday"
"Are you and Ian still together?"
"No, we broke up"
"What was the reason for the sudden break up?"
"He... he cheated. Ok I'm done here, go back to the other side please" I say before walking to the front door after shooing them to the opposite side of the street.

"Kj, open the door!" I say knocking.  A bunch of fans scream and some yell "#Kjmila".

He opens the door and walks out on the porch so he's next to me.  "Hey Cami!" he says happily while hugging me.  I hug back before he picks me up and spins me, causing me to laugh.  "Let's go inside, aye" He says after yelling hi to the fans.  I walked in behind him and locked the door, not trusting the crazy paparazzi.  "You ok?" Kj asks, "Yeah just kinda scared of the paparazzi" I say.  "I'll lock the door to make you feel better-" He says before realizing I already locked it.  We end up walking into the living room to sit and talk, after opening the curtains in attempt to let some light in.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asks sitting down next to me, both of us ignoring the paparazzi who are currently taking pictures from the driveway. (To clarify, the driveway that they weren't supposed to be in) "Let's just talk, but no depressing stuff allowed.  But before we start sorry about bringing paparazzi here" I say turning so I'm facing him.  "It's ok" He says smiling.  I smile back before we start talking about random stuff, forgetting the paparazzi was even there. 

"Remember the first day we meant and we literally only got to talk for like 20 minutes, and then the next day we had to basically do a make out scene in a closet with a camera crew" I say laughing, "We were so awkward then" I add both of us laughing at this point.  "And look at us now" he says, we both go silent, but not an awkward silence, a comfortable one...a thoughtful one.  We're having a moment when he leaned in and kissed me, now if this were a week ago heck even a few days ago I would have hesitated but for once I listened to my heart and kissed back.  At this point we were basically making out like in 1X10.  We started to hear screaming, taking us out of our moment, when we realized that paparazzi were still outside capturing everything.  We should have freaked out and closed the curtains but instead we just moved to his room and continued are moment until someone knocked on the door.  Kj groaned, and I just laughed, before we went to answer it.  I was surprised when I saw Lili and Cole.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Kj asks letting them in.  Everyone's silent while I'm just standing behind Kj waiting for something to happen.  "Before we start we just want you to know that we're fully supporting you guys and that we're happy for you should have closed the curtains" Cole says leaving us confused.  I step out from behind Kj and ask them what they mean.  "The paparazzi, their live streaming and Ian saw it.  To say the least he's kinda pissed" Lili says.  "Aw shit" Kj mumbles.  "Hey! I dumped him because he's a cheater, who cares if he saw it?  I can date or make out with whoever I want.  If I wanna kiss Kj I'll kiss Kj, if I still wanted to be with Ian i would still be with him. But i don't want to" I say looking at all of them.  "Apa! Mendes open the door!" Ian says.  We all walk to the door, Cole and Kj in front of Lil's and I.  "Where is she?" Ian asks, "I want to talk to her about giving me another chance" He says calmly.  I walk out from behind Kj and Cole.  "Once a cheater always a cheater...but why can't we just be friends? Please!" I somewhat beg.  After a good 5 minutes of waiting he finally gives in.  "'s better than nothing" he says half smiling, "See it's not that hard but here's the thing...if I start to date someone you can't get mad. Promise?" I compromise.  "Deal" He sighs.  We all talk for a second before he leaves along with Lil's and Cole.


     I was thinking about what Camila told Ian about dating someone else and I couldn't help but wonder who she had in mind.  I guess she could tell something was up because she grabbed my arm and pulled me back onto the couch.  "What's wrong?" Cami asked, "Nothing, it's nothing.  Let's just watch a movie" I say changing the topic.  She lets it go for now and we end up going back into my room to watch IT.  We turn the lights off and hit play while she's laying between my legs with her head on my chest.  We're both smiling throughout the whole movie.


"So did you like it?" I ask turning the lights on.  "It was amazing, did you?" she asks, I nod before she walks to my closet and grabs the hoodie she always borrows.  "Let's go to dollar tree and get snacks so we can come back and pig out" She says putting the hoodie on over her clothes, so it basically looks like a dress.  "Sounds good, let's go" I say before we walk out the door and start walking.

"Oh my gosh are they seriously still here?!" She exclaims noticing new paparazzi, "They literally have shifts!" she adds pulling the hood over her head.  "Walk fast and don't make eye contact" I say putting an arm around her waist.  It's literally 11pm at this point.  "Camila, Kj!" They yell surrounding us. We can't really walk anywhere at this point since we're in the middle of their circle. One of them attempt to pull her hood down but before they could I pull her close to my chest and hold her head so they can't mess with her hood anymore. They keep taking pictures and they won't move and Cami's shaking from fear at this point.  "Enough!" I yell at the same time as someone else.  I look over and see Madeline and Travis pushing through the crowd.  "Come on guys" they say shielding us while taking us to their car.  "Thanks guys" we say on the way to the store.  They take us to Dollar Tree and we get snacks before they take us back to my place.  We thank them again before locking the door and closing the curtains.

"You're ok, right? They didn't hurt you did they?" I ask her as we sit down on the bed, snacks surrounding us.  "I'm fine" She says still shaking.  She moves to get chips when I notice a red mark on her wrist.  I grab her wrist and look at her before she pulls away and starts talking about random stuff.

4 hours later

"Kj! It's 3am!" She exclaims laughing. "Damn it, we should get to bed then aye" I laugh.  She agrees before we throw away all the wrappers from the snacks before turning the lights off and laying down.

"Night Kj"
"Goodnight Cami"

Hope you enjoyed! btw "Once a cheater, always a cheater" is just something i've seen in other books so i'm not talking about every relationship or situation. its just a saying i've seen before

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