Chapter 38

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Sorry for the shitting posting "schedule" I'm honestly just lazy as shit which I'm sorry about lmao

Camila POV
"KJ?" I mumbled, moving around to face him.  It was currently 7am and I couldn't get back to sleep since I was too excited about Paris.  "Kageee" I said quietly, hoping I could wake him up so he would lay with me and help me fall back asleep.  I sighed, realizing that he wasn't going to wake up, before I started to turn back around.  Before I could turn all the way around, KJ pulled me over towards him.  I smiled and laughed quietly before burying my head in his chest as we went back to sleep.

TimeSkip To 11AM

After a few more hours, I woke back up and saw KJ walking back in the room, still in his pajamas which were sweatpants.  I looked at him confused and he just chuckled.  "I got all our bags ready and I made pancakes" he smiled.  "Aw! How did I get so lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend!" I exclaimed getting up and walking over to him.  I hugged him and he lifted me up as we just stood there hugging.

After a few more minutes we broke the hug and walked out to the kitchen to eat breakfast. 

"KJ these are actually really good!" I exclaimed, kinda shocked, as I took a bite of my pancake. "Does that mean my food doesn't usually taste good?" he joked.  "I never said that" I laughed.  He smiled at me and shook his his as we continued to eat our breakfast.

It only took about 15 minutes until we were both done with our breakfast and cleaning the dishes.  We were pretty much done when KJ decided to splash me with water.  "Oh it's on" I laughed before splashing him back.  We ended up splashing each other until we were almost soaked.

"We are literally 5 years!" KJ laughed.  I laughed and nodded in agreement before we walked back to our room so we could shower and change into dry clothes. 

I ended up changing into a pair of light blue jean shorts, KJ's black hoodie, and a white hat, before walking out and over to KJ who was sitting in the living room waiting.

He looked at me and smiled before getting up and walking over to me.  "Ok, I'm not trying to come off as controlling or whatever but I have a question" KJ said chuckling as he looked me in the eye and put his arms around my waist.  I looked up at him, and smiled, before telling him to continue with his question.  "Why do you wear makeup? You are literally perfect without it and right now is an amazing example" he asked.  I didn't say anything I just hugged him and we both smiled.  "You could NEVER be controlling.  You're way to sweet." I said looking back up at him.  He looked down and kissed me before we broke the hug and sat on the couch, shutting the curtains to keep the paparazzi away. 

Before I got to comfortable, I checked my phone and noticed it was 3:30. Thankful that I didn't get comfortable I got back up and grabbed my headphones and charger before telling KJ that we needed to leave for the airport.  He groaned before getting back up and grabbing my hand as we walked out the door and headed off towards the airport.

Once we were at the airport KJ put his arm around my waist and kept me close as we walked past the paparazzi and got ready to get on the plane.

We gave the flight attendant our tickets (Ik that's probably not how it works but like I'm too tired to care lmao) before we boarded the plane and headed over to our seats.

"Cami do you need help?" KJ asked chuckling.  I was currently trying to put my bag in the overhead but my height wasn't making that easy.  I looked back at him and rolled my eyes before going back to my bag.  Two seconds later, KJ was standing behind me and pushing my bag up in the overhead.  I turned around and thanked him and he just chuckled before kissing me.  I just smiled once we broke the kiss and shut the overhead. 

Just as we were about to sit down, a mom and her daughter walked up to us.  "I'm a huge fan and I was wondering if I could get a picture?" the daughter asked smiling a wide smile.  KJ and I smiled at her and nodded before her mom took a few pictures.  "I see why my daughters a fan, you guys are sweet and a really cute couple" her mom said causing us both to smile.  We thanked her and smiled at each other, once again, before they walked back to their seats and we sat down in our seats.

About 10 minutes later, the plane was taking off and KJ grabbed my hand while I leaned my head on his shoulder.

The whole plane ride we just talked and laughed with one another, forgetting that everyone else was there and just having a blast in our own little world.

(Mini Timeskip)

Once we got off the plane, we got a cab and headed to the hotel room that KJ had booked.  As soon as we walked into the room, my jaw dropped.  "Kage! This room is amazing! You didn't have to do all this!" I exclaimed happily.  He smiled at me before taking our bags to the bedroom as I walked around and over to the window to see the view.

  He smiled at me before taking our bags to the bedroom as I walked around and over to the window to see the view

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camimendes // This amazing human being brought me to Paris, my actual DREAM place.  I love you so fucking much, thank you @kjapa
//2,331,456 Likes // 16,128 Comments //

@lilireinhart Cole!! Step up your game!! Like honestly!!
//@madelame Take notes Travis!!

@vanessamorgan You guys are ADORABLE!!


@caseycott Omg my actual parents are so adorable!!

@VarchiePerfection GOALS!!

As soon as I put my phone down, KJ walked out and stood beside me as we both looked out the window.

"I love you" I said looking up at him.  "I love you too Cami" he smiled. 

We ended up unpacking and talked for a few hours before we decided to go to bed since we were going to be up early and walk around tomorrow morning.

Once we changed into pajamas, locked the door, and turned the lights off, I laid down next to KJ and thanked him, probably for the thousands time.

"KJ, thank you, for all of this, you really didn't have to do this"
"You're right, I didn't have to, I wanted to, because I love you so much Cami"
"I love you too KJ, I love you so fucking much"

I still can't believe that with all the billions of people in the world, I, Camila Mendes, was lucky enough to meet Kj Apa

Hope You Enjoyed!!

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