Chapter 12

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"Cami?" I say waking up, only to notice that Cami was missing. I hear the sink turn on and then a few seconds later turn back off, and then I see Cami walking back to bed. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" she says crawling back into bed. "No, I woke up on my own. Do you feel any better then you did yesterday?" I say. "Yeah, I feel a lot better" she says. "That's great" I say wrapping my arms back around her waist. "Do you want to go back to bed, or just wake up now?" I ask. She says she wants to sleep so I pull the covers back up as we go back to sleep.

Once she's asleep again I slowly get up and head to the kitchen. I knew it was only gonna be another hour at most until she wakes up for good so I got started on her breakfast. I ended up making a bunch of food and finished everything just before the hour ended.

"Cami? Babe?" I say walking in with the food. I turn the lights on and see her laying down. "Cami" I say louder, causing her to wake up. "Babe! You didn't have to do all that!" She exclaims noticing the food. I smile before taking it over to her. She ends up taking a picture before we dig in.

(Picture is from another Kjmila story~ Kjmila x Social Media)

(Picture is from another Kjmila story~ Kjmila x Social Media)

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camimendes Thx you sm babe, Ily @kjapa

lilireinhart Goals! @colesprouse why don't you do this for me, we've been dating for 3 years and they've been dating for a couple days!


colesprouse Thanks spicy latina, now I'm in the doghouse @lilireinhart @camilamendes @kjapa

VarchieIsEverything @colesprouse LMAO

"Thanks again Kage" Cami says after we finish our food. "Like I said, I'd do anything for my baby girl" I say giving her a side hug. We take everything to my kitchen before going back in the bedroom to change out of pajamas.

I had just finished getting dressed when my phone went off:

Lili🦋~ Hey Cami, Ik your with Kj but before it gets too late can you come over and hang out
Cami💘~ Ofc, I'll be over at 5
Lili🦋~ Sounds good

"Hey Kj, can you drop me off at Lili's at 5?" I ask as we lay back on the bed. "Yeah, but until thennn" he says smiling. He then pulls me so I'm laying on top of him before kissing me. I smile and continue to kiss him, it was basically a make out session until my phone went off.

"Ugh, every time" Kj groans. "Yeah okayyyy" I laugh grabbing my phone. It ended up just being a twitter notification so I put my phone back down. "Now what?" I ask sitting up. He gives me a pouty face so I give him another kiss before turning on the tv.

We ended up watching tv until it was time for me to leave so we turned the tv off and got in Kj's car.
"Thanks for the ride Kj" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek as I get out of the car. He says no problem before I walk into Lili's house. "Lil's your favorite person's here!" I yell walking into the house. "Hey Cami!" She yells back from the living room.

We ended up going on a walk and just talked about random things until we got back to her house. By that time it was almost 6 o'clock so we just decided to watch random movies since we couldn't think of anything else to do.

Time Skip~ 10pm

"Lili I'm spending the night" I declare as we turn the tv off. "Ok, I'm going to bed because I've been running on 3 hours of sleep since 6am" she says getting up. I follow her and grab a pair of pajamas that she always lets me borrow before changing.

We're best friends so we just slept in the same bed. "Night Cami" Lili says turning the lamp off, "Night Lil's" I say. Did you actually think we were going to sleep? haha no we ended up staying on our phones for another hour before actually going to bed.

I can't believe how lucky I am, I have an amazing boyfriend and an amazing best friend

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