Chapter 23

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Disclaimer~ If you couldn't tell I don't really like Corinne (no offense to her fans)

Camila POV~

     "Babe, someone's at the door" I say waking KJ up. KJ was laying with his arm draped over me while his head was buried in my shoulder. "Why can't we just leave it until they go away?" he asks lifting his head up to look at me, and then burying it back in my shoulder. "They've been ringing the doorbell for 20 minutes" I say. He groans as he gets up and puts on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I pull the covers back up and grab my phone while I wait for him to get the door.

"Camila! Come here!" KJ yells from the door. Wait...he never calls me by my full name. "Um your gonna have to give me a second!" I yell back. I then rush to put on a pair of leggings and a tank top before putting my hair in a messy bun, it was so obvious that I rushed to get ready. I then started to walk out and over to KJ.

Once I'm at the door I notice Corinne, wow I never thought I'd have to see her again. She looks pissed and is yelling at KJ about how I'm a hoe ( I LOVE CAMI AND SHE'S NOT A HOE THIS IS JUST FOR THE STORY) and how he deserves better, she doesn't even realize that I'm standing there at first. "What the hell KJ?!" she says, clearly noticing how I just threw on some clothes as fast as I could. "Camila call the cops, she's crazy" KJ says facing me. I nod before running back into the bedroom. "Hey, hey get back, get back!" I hear KJ exclaim as he pushes her back and keeps her from getting in the house.

"911 what's your emergency"
"Some crazy girl just showed up at my boyfriend and I's house, she's trying to come in and this isn't the first time she's done something like this"
"Ok, we need to know you and your boyfriends name and the girls name if you have that information"
"My names Camila Mendes, my boyfriends Kj Apa and the girls Corinne Isherwood"
"Ok we're sending somebody now"

I stay on the phone with them as I look around the corner and just watch as KJ pushes her back outside the door.
After what felt like hours, but was really only minutes, I saw the same cop from before pull her back and to his car.

"You're ok right? She didn't hurt you or anything?" KJ asks running up to me. "I'm fine babe, I promise" I say. He lets out a sigh of relief before pulling me into a hug. I hug back just as the cop comes back to the door. "We're fine, thank you for coming again" KJ says ready to send him out the door. The last time this cop was here I told KJ he made me feel uncomfortable so he obviously didn't want him near me.

"I should probably come in, and check everything out, to check on both of you" he says, smirking slightly when he looks at me. "Oh my gosh no, KJ please" I whisper in KJ's ear as I move behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Well um we're fine and we're kinda busy if you get what I mean" KJ lies, smirking. The cop doesn't give two shits but insists that he comes in unless he wants us to have other cops come. KJ reluctantly let's him in and slams the door behind him. He sits at our kitchen table and we look at each other before walking over.

KJ sits down across from him and pulls me on his lap before we all start talking. "Ok so what do you need? We're fine" KJ says harshly. He simply ignored KJ and starts talking to me. "Did something happen before she came? Because your outfit seems rushed" he says, looking me up and down. He also completely ignored the fact that we both said we were in the middle of something to him. "Are you implying that my boyfriend did something to me before you came?" I say shocked. "Well, you said it not me but did he do something to you?" the cop asked.

"What?! No! Of course not!" I exclaim. "Is this guy serious?!" I ask looking at KJ. "I don't know who you think you are but you can't just come in our house and accuse MY boyfriend of doing shit!" I yell getting in his face. "Your the one who constantly checks me out and makes me uncomfortable if anything your doing shit your not supposed to! KJ went to the door and called me over so I put some clothes on as fast as I could. Before then we were asleep!" I yelled. "Now get out of my house!" I yell. He looks shocked but in the end he does leave.

"UGH!" I yell out of frustration before running to our room and locking the door.


I watched Cami yell at the cop, defend me, kick him out of our house, then yell in frustration and lock herself in our room. just happened.

"Cami!" I yelled as I ran to her room. "Cami can you please unlock the door?" I ask from the outside. I hear a click and walk in, only to see her sitting on the floor crying. I don't say anything I just pick her up and hug her. She simply wraps her legs around my waist and hugs me back. "What's wrong baby? Why are you crying?" I asked after a few minutes. "First the paparazzi and then this shit!" she says. I hug her tighter and we just stand there hugging, one thought in my head.

Maybe my idea won't be so bad after all, I'll ask her tomorrow once she's calmed down

Hope you enjoyed! Can't wait to post the next few chapters! Btw he has an idea about doing something and he's gonna ask her tomorrow. (<-If you didn't understand what the last sentence meant)

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