Chapter 26

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(Mini/filler chapter)
Camila POV~

"AWE! YOU GUYS ARE ADORABLE!" I hear KJ's sisters scream, causing me to wake up. I hear a few clicks and figured that they were taking pictures. I smiled before yawning and sitting up. "Babe!" KJ groans sitting up as well. His sisters awe again before telling us that breakfast is ready before leaving the room.

"Told you they like you" KJ mumbles smiling. I playfully roll my eyes before getting up and grabbing an outfit.

KJ and I changed, did our hair, and brushed our teeth before walking out and to the kitchen.

"Good morning love birds" KJ's mom says smiling. "Morning" we say smiling back. I helped set the table before taking a seat next to KJ as we started to dig into the food.

"These pancakes are amazing" I say to KJ's mom, halfway through breakfast. She thanks me before we start talking about our plans for the day. We decided that we'd go to the mall after we ate so we quickly finished our food before cleaning up.

KJ and I went back in our room so I could grab my purse while everyone else waited in the car.

As soon as we walked in KJ kissed me and, obviously, I kissed back. A good five minutes had passed when I remembered his family was waiting in the car. I pulled away and grabbed my purse before rushing out the door, pulling KJ with me.

"So...what took so long?" KJ's sister said smirking. My face turned red before Kj stepped in. "Ari!" He exclaimed. "Enough" he added. She jokily put her hands up in surrender before turning around in her seat.

It only took about 10 minutes until we were at the mall. I put my hair in a ponytail before grabbing KJ's hand as we walked into the mall.

KJ ended up buying me a bunch clothes and we stayed for about 2 hours until we decided to leave. Not that I didn't like being with his family but I was kinda glad that we were leaving because a lot of the guys were staring at me and whispering to their friends.

We got in the car and I leaned my head on KJ's shoulder before we started to head back to his house.

We got home and walked into his room where we laid down and sat on our phones for a while. I ended up getting bored with my phone so I turned it off and turned towards KJ.

"Babe?" I said. "Yes?" He asked, turning his phone off. "Can we talk?" I ask. He looks at me concerned, probably thinking I'm gonna break up with him or something. "What about?" He asked after a few seconds. "I don't know, let's just talk about random stuff" I say, causing him to let out a sigh of relief.

We end up just laying there, talking to each other, for a good forty minutes until we get called down for dinner.

Like breakfast the food was amazing. I told KJ that I'd meet him in the living room before helping Tessa clean everything up.

Before heading into the living room I thanked her for everything and she smiled and hugged me before we walked into the living room.

We spent the whole night talking with KJ's family and making jokes.

It was the perfect night.

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