Chapter 27

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(Kjmila's first fight btw, also Lana is a made up character, and this takes place the next day)
Kinda wanna die right now cause my life is terrible so I might not update for a few days, sorry

Camila POV

KJ, Ari, Timēna, and I were talking when someone knocked on the door. KJ got up to get it and when he opened it I heard a girl talking and them yelling about how happy they were. I looked at Ari confused and she went to check it out. "It's his old friend Lana" she said rolling her eyes. I hid my jealousy and just nodded.

"Cami this is Lana, Lana this is Cami" KJ says as they walk over to us. "Ahem" Timēna said looking towards me. "Cami's my girlfriend" KJ says taking the hint. I was kinda hoping he would say I'm his girlfriend without his sister having to give him a hint.

Lana was clearly pretending to like me but KJ didn't seem to notice. "Anyways KJ can we hangout all day?! Please! I haven't seen you in forever!" Lana says practically begging. "Sure! Ari tell mom and dad ay?" He says, smiling, before they walk out. I think Timēna could tell I was upset because she asked Ari to give us a minute. Even though we haven't been here long Timēna and I grew really close and we were good friends at this point.

"Are you ok Cams?" she asks, moving over to sit next to me. "I'm fine" I say damn well lying. "Cams, you can talk to me" she says kindly. I sighed. "It's just...he told me he was gonna take me to a bunch of his favorite places today and that he would introduce me to some of his friends. I was really looking forward to it" I say truthfully...well I did leave some stuff out. "Aw Cams, I'm sorry" she says giving me a hug. I hugged back and it lasted awhile before we pulled away.

"Anyways, I'm just gonna go up to KJ's room and chill in there for the day. Come in if you need anything" I say standing up. She gives me a sad smile before I walk upstairs.

Once I got upstairs I walked in his room and shut the door before collapsing on the bed and curling into a ball. I just sat there, upset. I wasn't trying to be dramatic or anything but it might've came off that way. Just everything we've been through I'm always worrying about if we can take another hit on our relationship. A tear started rolling down my face but I quickly wiped it away, thinking that it was overdramatic.

I sat there for awhile more before Tessa knocked on the door and came inside. "Hey ok?" she asked, noticing how I was curled up in a ball. "I'm fine" I lied sitting up. She let it go and just continued talking, "Do you want to help Ari and Timēna make some food for dinner? We were gonna have a picnic when KJ gets back" she says. "Sure" I say slightly smiling. She smiles and we get head downstairs and to the kitchen.

Timēna smiled when she saw me and ran over to me to explain what we were making. We spent an hour or so cooking but I guess Timēna could tell that I was still upset so she pulled me aside. "Cams you can go back upstairs, I'll tell mom that you don't feel good" she says. I thank her and hug her before heading back upstairs, where I spent the day texting Lili and telling her about the whole situation.

"Camila! We're leaving!" I hear Tessa yell. I get up and stay on the phone with Lili while walking down the steps. "KJ's back and everyone's in the car, we already have the basket in the car" Tessa says once I get down the steps. I nod and thank her before starting to walk towards the car. "Wait" she says grabbing my arm and pulling me back. I look at her confused while telling Lili to hold on for a second. "Lana's apparently coming with us, I'm sorry Camila" Tessa says. "It's ok, I'll be fine" I lie smiling. She looks at me concerned before I walk out the door and to the car.

"Lili things just got even worse" I say. "Anyways, I gotta go, I'll call you later" I say hanging up as I get in the van and sit next to KJ. "Who was that?" KJ asked smiling. "Nobody" I snap, "Nobody" I repeat calmer. He nods before going back to Lana.

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