Chapter 28

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I woke up and noticed that Cami wasn't in bed, a few seconds later she came out with a towel wrapped around her. "Oh, morning KJ" she said noticing that I was awake. "Hey babe" I say. "So what time are we gonna meet your friends?" Cami asked happily as she went over to pick out an outfit. "We're meeting them for breakfast at 10 o'clock. We still have another hour and a half before we have to leave" I said smiling at her. "I'm glad I woke up when I did then" she laughs. I smile before getting up and grabbing clothes before heading into the bathroom to shower and get ready.

By the time I was ready it was 9:40 so we had to leave in a few minutes so we'd get to the restaurant in time. I grabbed my phone and wallet and shoved them in my hoodie pocket before walking over to Cami.

"Ready to go?" I asked Cami. She smiled and nodded before grabbing her purse. I smiled back before grabbing her hand as we walked out the door, saying bye to my family first. "Can I pick the music?" Cami asked as we hopped in the car. "Sure, here's the aux cord" I said handing it to her. She thanked me before playing, blood//water.

The whole car ride we were laughing and singing along to the music, we were still laughing as we walked into the restaurant. "Guys, this is my girlfriend Camila. And Cami meet Alex, Justin, Scott, and Zach" I said after saying hey to the guys as we all bro hugged. They all smiled at each other and said their "hello's" before we sat down at the table. We looked through the menu's and decided what we wanted so we could just order everything quickly so we would have more time to talk without being interrupted. We ordered and as soon as the waiter walked away we started to make a conversation.

"So how long have you guys been friends?" she asked looking at everyone. "Since we were 13" Zach answered. "How about you? How long have you and KJ known each other?" Scott asked looking at Cami. "5 or 6 years" she answered smiling. Scott nodded and Alex jumped into the conversation. "How long have you guys been together?" he asked. "2 years" I said smiling. "Ooo" they all said causing everyone to burst out laughing. After we calmed down I noticed a group of guys from the table next to us checking out Cami.

Cami's Outfit

"Cami can you put this on?" I asked taking off my, well technically Archie's, zip-up hoodie

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"Cami can you put this on?" I asked taking off my, well technically Archie's, zip-up hoodie. "Why?" she asked confused. "Cause the guys at that table are checking you out" I said honestly. She smiled before putting the hoodie on and zipping it up. "Is KJ jealous?" Justin smirked. "No..." I said. He raised an eyebrow and I just rolled my eyes jokily.

A few minutes later the waiter came back with our food and we started digging in. After 20 minutes or so we were all finished and ready to head out. I glanced over at Cami and saw her getting her money out of her wallet. I quickly got out my money and we ended up placing it down on the table at the same time. We turned to each other and jokily glared. "Not this again" she said. "I'm paying" we both said. "Does this happen a lot?" Justin asked. "Yeah, he never lets me pay, like ever" Cami said rolling her eyes. "Who do you guys think should pay?" she asked. They said me, causing Cami to groan. "They always want me to pay for their food" I said laughing. She didn't say anything she just rolled her eyes and put the money away.

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