Chapter 41 (Last Chapter)

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KJ at just gotten down on one knee when Camila turned around at the end of the last chapter

Camila POV
"Oh my god" I said covering my mouth as I looked down at KJ who was down on one knee.

"Camila, every time I look at you I see the rest of my life right in front of me.  We've been through so much but we overcame it all and never left each other's side.   Your beauty caught my attention but, your personality is what stole my heart.  Camila I can't go another day having to worry about losing you in the future because I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  So, that's why I'm asking, Camila Carraro Mendes...will you marry me?"

"Oh my god, yes!" I yelled, jumping into his arms after he put the ring on my finger.  He caught me and just spun me around as all of our friends and family came out recording as they started cheering.  I was crying and I'm pretty sure KJ was, or at least he was close to crying.  I lifted my head off his shoulder, looked at him, and just smiled before going back to hugging him.

This explains all the late night phone calls, the sneaking off, and this trip to Paris.

"Congratulations!! This is so exciting!" our Mom's exclaimed walking up to us.  "Thank you guys" KJ said smiling.  "Is she crying?" my mom asked quietly as she referred to me since my head was still buried in his shoulder.  I felt KJ nod his head before both of our mom's started to "awe".  After a few more minutes they walked back to where everyone else was and I finally let KJ put me back on the ground.  I glanced at the diamond heart ring before looking back at him.

"I love you, Cami" he said looking down at me with a wide smile.  "I love you too" I said, tears still streaming down my face as I kissed him.  After we broke the kiss, he put his arm tightly around my waist as Lili and Cole came over.

"Congrats guys!! We're so happy for you!!" they exclaimed before we thanked and hugged them. 

"So Lil's...would you be my maid of honor?" I asked smiling at her.  She screamed, getting everyone's attention, before attacking me in a hug as she yelled, "OH MY GOD YES!!" I laughed and hugged back just before we heard KJ ask Cole to be his best man.  After breaking the hug we saw Cole and KJ "bro hugging" and Lili and I 'awe'd' before they broke the hug and laughed.

They ended up showing us all the videos and pictures they took and we just smiled at all of them, KJ's  arm returning to my waist.  "Can you send me like, all of those?" I laughed once we looked through all of the pictures.  They laughed and said yes before Timena came over to us.

"Cams!" she yelled hugging me.  I hugged back and I could tell she had started to cry.  KJ ended up getting pulled into the hug which lasted a while before it broke and KJ got everyone's attention.

KJ explained to everyone that he had a reservation for dinner and that we should probably start to head out.  We ended up having Timena take another picture of us in front of the eiffel tower before actually starting to head off.

After about 10 minutes we were at the restaurant and were being seated.  The whole time at dinner we were all talking and everyone was congratulating us.

A little less than an hour had passed by the time we were all finished.  We ended up going back to the hotel KJ and I were staying at before catching up with everyone and just having a great time in general.

We all hung out for about 2 hours until they decided they should get going which left KJ and I.

Once KJ shut the door I immediately went up to him and hugged him.  It didn't even take him a second to hug back.

"For a small bean you give big and comforting hugs" KJ chuckled after a few seconds.  I laughed and looking up at him, not breaking the hug.

We ended up just getting changed into pajamas before going back to the bedroom to attempt to get some sleep.  As soon as we laid down we held each other as we fell asleep in each other's arms.

1 year later and we had planned and had an AMAZING wedding and went on an AWESOME honeymoon in Hawaii.  All of our friends and family were there, we said our vows to each other, and explained how much we loved each other and how we couldn't wait to start this new chapter in our lives.

"I have never and will never be this happy as I am with you, especially since we get to start this AMAZING new chapter in our lives"

HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS BOOK!!! AS YOU CAN TELL THIS IS THE END BUT LIKE IT SAYS AT THE TOP LEAVE SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT I SHOULD DO FOR MY NEXT BOOK AND WHAT IT SHOULD BE ABOUT!! Also because I'm a lazy piece of shit this is unedited even though it's the final chapter lmao!

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