Chapter 31

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The Next Day

Camila POV

I was watching Netflix when KJ ran in and tackled me in a hug. I laughed and hugged back. "I have a question" KJ said after a few minutes, not even bothering to break the hug. "What's your question?" I asked. "So my friend Victor and his girlfriend Raina asked me to go camping with them and I wanted to know if you wanted to come?" he asked. "Sure, when are we leaving?" I asked smiling. "In a few days, everything's already planned. We're only staying for a few days" he answered sitting up. I smiled and nodded as my response. I then waited a few minutes before telling him my plans for the night.

"So I'm going out with Lili and I wanted to know if you could pick me up? Cole's picking her up since we don't wanna drive after a night out" I asked. "Yeah, just text me when you need to be picked up and if anything happens" he said. I just nodded before we started watching Netflix again.

About an hour or so later Lili texted me so I decided to get up and get changed. When I got up KJ groaned and I just laughed as I walked to the closet and got my dress. I walked into the bathroom, changed, and did my hair and makeup before walking back out and over to KJ.

He looked and me and I could already tell what he was thinking, "I really don't want her going out alone in that dress, but I'm not gonna say anything and be the type of boyfriend that makes her change out of something she likes" I laughed at the thought and he just looked at me like I was crazy. I smiled just before we heard a car horn.

"That's Lili, I gotta go" I said giving him a quick kiss. "Ok, just text me when I need to pick you up. Don't walk out alone. Text me if anything happens and watch your drink" KJ rambles. "Babe, I'll be fine, I promise" I say smiling. "Now I really gotta go. Love you!" I say walking out. He yells that he loves me too before I walk out the door and hop into Lili's car.

"Hey Lil's" I said once I got in the car. "Hey Cams. Let me guess, KJ gave you a big lecture before you left? Cause Cole gave me one" Lili asked laughing as we drove off. "Yep. I love him I really do but, he's EXTREMELY overprotective" I laugh. She laughs with me before we start talking about random things.

About 20 minutes later we were walking into the night club.

We walked in and immediately went to the dance floor. We were dancing and enjoying our night when two guys started getting closer to us. "We have extremely overprotective boyfriends so don't even try it" we said harshly. They stopped and mumbled something before reluctantly walking away.

We ended up dancing for awhile before eventually going to get drinks. We watched the bartender make our drinks and kept an eye on them the whole time, and if we were talking we kept a hand over them, just to be extra safe.

We gave a few guys, who wouldn't leave us alone, fake numbers, danced for a few hours, and had a few drinks before we decided to call the guys:

Cami😍💞~ KJ can you pick me up?
KJ😘💖~ Yeah, you're okay right?
Cami😍💞~ I'm fineeeee
KJ😘💖~ Okay, stay with Lili, I'm on my way
Cami😍💞~ Mmh love you
KJ😘💖~ Love you too

I hung up and Lili and I just stood there waiting. 5 minutes later Cole got there and held Lili up. We were still waiting for KJ so Cole stayed and waited with me until he got there. KJ thanked Cole for waiting before him and Lili left.

I was honestly fine, just a little loopy and weak. KJ put his arm around my waist and held me up as we walked to the car. "Kageeee" I said. "Yeah baby girl?" he asked. "Are we almost to the car?" I asked, annoyed at all the paparazzi taking pictures. He didn't say anything but a second later we were at the car. He helped me in and I started to doze off before we even pulled out of the parking spot.


Once we got home I looked over and saw Cami asleep in her seat. I ended up just carrying her into the house and to our room.

" you wanna change into pajamas?" I asked waking her up. She groaned before attempting to get up, she failed. I helped her back up and walked her to the bathroom so she could change. A few minutes later she opened the door and I helped her back to bed.

I changed into my pajamas, turned the lights off, and tucked her in as I laid down next to her. As soon as I laid down she immediately buried her head in my chest. I looked down at her and smiled before heading to bed.

There are only two times I want to be with Cami, now and forever

Hope You Enjoyed!!

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