Chapter 29

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Today was the day...after 2 amazing weeks we had to leave. Cami and I were currently packing up our stuff, in silence.

"Kage...come here" Cami said once we finished packing. I walked over and sat next to her on the bed. "Kage..." she says before I fall into her arms and start crying. "Kage, it's gonna be ok, I'm gonna miss them too" she says hugging me back. I didn't say anything I just kept crying in her arms.

"KJ? Are you ok?" My mom asked walking in the room. I look up at Cami and she nods before I run over to my mom and hug her. She immediately knows why I'm upset and hugs back, crying a little bit herself.

"Camila come here" my mom says after a few minutes. I glance over and see Cami's crying on the bed. She walks over and joins the hug.

We break after awhile when we realize that we need to leave to the airport.
We grab our bags and head downstairs and out to the car.

At The Airport

"I don't wanna leave" I say hugging my mom again. It's hard living so far away from them. She hugs back and it turns into a family group hug. I noticed Cami who was standing a few feet away, probably trying to give us a family moment. I whispered to my mom and she nodded. "Camila your family so come over here" she said. Cami gladly ran over and joined the hug, crying herself.

Since the first day we got here Cami really bonded with everyone, especially my mom and Timēna.

We hugged for a few minutes before Cami and I separately hugged everyone. Cami and my mom hugged longer but she saved Timēna for last.
Cami hugged Timēna tighter then the rest of the family and they instantly started crying.
"We'll come back soon, I promise" Cami said once they broke the hug. Timēna nodded before we started to walk off.

Once we sat down on the plane we looked at each other and tears started rolling down our faces. I moved the arm rest between us and wrapped an arm around her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I leaned my head on hers before the plane took off.

Back At The House

As soon as we got home we rushed into our room and called my mom on FaceTime.

We ended up talking to them for an hour and we started to plan when we were gonna go back.

After talking for awhile we ended the call and Cami and I decided to go to bed.
We changed into pajamas and turned the lights off before heading to bed in silence.

"I love you KJ" Cami said after a few minutes.
"I love you too Cami" I said before wrapping my arms around her as we fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed!! Next chapter is gonna be a social media recap of something's that happened on the vacation to New Zealand

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