Chapter 24 (Pt 1)

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CAMILA'S BF Yes Ik She has a boyfriend and that t was basically confirmed on his instagram today but I'm still going to write this story. I'm happy for them and their cute together and I ship them but I also ship Kjmila


It was the next day and Cami had calmed down from yesterday so I decided to finally stop being a coward and ask her my question.

"Cami" I say getting her attention. She takes her headphones out and turns so she's facing me. "'s almost our two year anniversary" I start. "Yeah" she says nodding. "I had an idea... I was wondering if you wanted to go to New Zealand and meet my parents and sisters?" I ask nervously. "Oh my gosh of course! I'm so excited!" She exclaimed smiling. I let out a sigh of relief before explaining everything about the trip.

"Ok so I bought tickets, hoping you would say yes, and we leave tomorrow at 7" I say. "I need to pack then!" She exclaims. I laugh as she runs into our room. I go after her and just sit on the bed, watching as she scrambles to pack everything. "Why aren't you packing?" She says looking up at me. "I packed a few nights ago" I say pointing to my suitcase. She rolls her eyes and smiles before continuing to pack. "How many days are we staying?" She asked. "2 weeks actually" I say. She has a huge smile on her face when I tell her. I smile back before she finishes packing.

About an hour later she was done packing and came walking out of the bathroom with her makeup bag. "Babeeee why do you have to bring that thing" I say looking at the makeup bag in disgust. "Kj it's just makeup" she says laughing. It doesn't bother me when she wears makeup, if it makes her happy that's great but she's beautiful without it as well as with it. I groaned, causing her to laugh again, before she put her bag away and sat next to me.

"Kj" She says looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. "Yes?" I ask smiling at her cuteness. "Can you get my laptop from the couch please?" She asked. "Sure" I say chuckling as she gets happy and lays down on the bed.

I head out to the living room and grab her laptop before heading back to the bedroom. I walked back in and saw her wrapped up in a blanket, looking adorable as usual.

"Your adorable you know" I say laying down next to her. She smiles and awes before giving me a kiss and turning her laptop back on. "Let me guess...Fear Factor?" I ask. She nods before hitting play and laying her head on my chest.

Halfway through the episode I looked down at her and smiled.

1 earth, 7 seas, 7 continents, 196 countries, 7 billion people, and I was lucky enough to met Camila Mendes

I'm out here living every mans dreams

Hope you enjoyed! Also I've been obsessed with fear factor lately lol

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