Chapter 14

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The Next Day

Camila POV
     It was 3pm on a Sunday and I was bored out of my mind. We weren't filming, Kj wasn't here, and when I texted my group chat with Cole, Lili, and Kj, none of them answered but instead, left me on read. I was about to try an call Charles when someone knocked on my door. "One second!" I yelled from the couch. I quickly went into my room to grab a hoodie to throw on top of my tank top and short shorts. I then went back and opened the door only to see Cole, Lili, and Kj. "Oh it's just you" I say taking my hoodie back off. "Oh it's you!" I exclaim getting happier. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask letting them in as we go to the couch. "Well we got your text, texted each other, and then decided for us all to meet over here" Lili said as she sat next to Cole.

After talking for awhile we decided to play truth or dare. "Spicy latina, out of the boyfriends you've had, which one has been your favorite?" Cole asked after I picked truth. "Cody Martin, Kj has been, and still is, my favorite boyfriend" I said. Since I was already sitting on his lap I just turned my head and gave him a quick kiss, before continuing on with the game. "KJ, truth or dare?" I ask facing him. He choses dare. "I dare you to text one of my friends and start hitting on them." I say laughing. Lili gives me a look that says, "Are you worried that someone else likes Kj?", I nod no before Kj starts texting Mads from my phone:


Cami💎~ Hey mads its Kj

Mads💋~ Hey kj, what's up

Cami💎~ Camila's at Lili's and left her phone, wanna come over😏

Mads💋~ Um why can't we just meet at Lili's

Cami💎~ I want to hang out with you, alone. Your my favorite out of all of her friends and we don't even have to tell Camila.

Mads💋~ Okay, give me a second and I'll be over😉

We all looked at each other shocked until Lili's phone started ringing. "It's Mads" she says. She answers and puts it on speaker:

Mads~ Lili hand Cami the phone
Lili~ Okay?
Mads~ Cami I'm really sorry but Kj just tried to cheat on you with me
Cami~ Oh it's okay
Mads~ Huh?
Cami~ I mean it's ok because it was a dare for him to flirt with one of my friends. We're playing truth or dare!

We all laugh before hanging up. We play a few more rounds until we just go back to normal conversation. A while later we notice that Kj had been quiet for a long time. I then noticed that Kj was asleep on my shoulder. I smiled before Cole and Lili said bye and left, leaving me with Kj.

I didn't have the heart to wake him up since he looked so peaceful so, I just grabbed a blanket and covered him as I snuggled back onto his lap. did I get this lucky? Not only is he adorable but he's honestly the best boyfriend ever.

Hope you enjoyed! Let me know what your thinking in the comments!

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