Chapter 39 (pt 1)

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Beginning Of The Chapter Takes Place In The Middle Of The Night From The Last Chapter

Camila POV (briefly)
It was the middle of the night and I had just woken up.  I turned to my side, expecting to see KJ, but, was disappointed when I saw he wasn't there.  I assumed he was in the bathroom or getting a drink so I just went back to bed.

After Camila fell asleep, I waited a few more minutes before getting back up and changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, before writing a note and going to lobby of the hotel.  I let the guy at the front desk know not to let anyone up in our room besides me before I walked out the door.  I stood outside the hotel before I started making a few calls and texting a few people in the "Pairs Proposal" group chat.
After about 20 minutes, I had a confirmation from everyone that everything was in order so I decided to go back into the hotel.  I made sure nobody went up to our room before turning my phone off and walking back up to our room.
I unlocked the door and went in, quietly, hoping to not wake Camila up, before I locked the door again and walked back into our room after putting the keys down on the counter.  I went back into our room and changed back into pajamas before laying back down next to Camila.  As soon as I laid down she buried her head in my chest and just laid right next to me.  I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist before going back to bed.


Camila POV
I woke up a few hours later and looked up to see asleep, our arms wrapped around each other.  I smiled before getting up and walking out and over to the balcony.

camimendes I love him so much♡//Tagged @kjapa//1,091,123 Likes // Comments Disabled //

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camimendes I love him so much♡
//Tagged @kjapa
//1,091,123 Likes // Comments Disabled //

I ended up standing on the balcony for a while until KJ came up behind me and put his arms around my waist.  "Hey, good morning" I smiled as I turned my head around and stood up taller before I kissed him.  He kissed back before saying good morning as well.  We ended up just standing there for a few more minutes before going back inside.
"So I have a whole day of walking around and visiting places planned and the first stop is breakfast" KJ said with a goofy smile.  I smiled back and thanked him.  We were about to go get changed when I noticed a note on the counter.
Incase you wake up and see this, I'm out for a few minutes but I'll be back soon.  I let the lobby know not to let anyone come up. Xx KJ
I slightly smiled before showing him the note.  "What's this?" I asked confused.  "Oh, I just had to check on a few things to make sure everything is still set for today" he said calmly.  I nodded and put the note back down.  "So it was you who knocked on the door, makes sense" I said as I recalled last night when I heard a knock on the door a few minutes after I went back to sleep.  "Uh, what are you talking about Cami? I never knocked I just used the keys?" KJ said clearly concerned and confused.  I immediately regret telling him that because now he was going to worry.  "Um nevermind, just forget I said that" I said, "Let's just go get ready" I said quickly before grabbing his hand as we walked back to the bedroom.
We both got changed into our outfits before grabbing the keys and walking out of the room, locking the door behind us as we walked down into the lobby and out of the hotel.
We ended up walking for five minutes or so until we got to the breakfast place KJ was talking about; Lockwood.  We walked in and got seated before looking at the menus.  The service was amazing as was the food.  We ate our food and talked about the plans for the day before finishing our food and paying before walking back out of the restaurant.  We ended up walking the streets for a while longer and just took the time to look around at everything.  Paris was honestly incredible and the most beautiful place I've ever been to.

After walking around for about 2 hours it was finally 4pm.  I started smiling like crazy because at 5pm all of our friends and family were going to meet us at the eiffel tower where I was going to propose to Camila and then take everyone out to dinner.  I played it off that we needed to get dressed into fanicer clothing because at five we were going out to dinner, which, wasn't a complete lie.  This is the only time I'm willing to lie to Camila.
Once we got back to the hotel, I changed into a tux and dress shoes while Camila went into the bedroom to change while I sat on the couch and told everyone to start getting ready.
After about 10 minutes Camila was ready and walked out of our room.  I'm 99% sure my jaw dropped. She looked amazing in her dress and she looked beautiful, a natural beauty especially since she didn't even have makeup on.  "Cami you look, GORGEOUS" I said walking up to her and putting my arms around her waist. "Thank you KJ, you look very handsome" she said before I pulled her into a kiss. We ended up basically making out for a while until we pulled away and realized that it was already 4:50.  We quickly grabbed our phones and the keys before grabbing each others hands as we walked out the door for the second time today as we headed off to the eiffel tower.

The whole time I was just thinking about the ring that was in my pocket.

Hope You Enjoyed!! 2 Chapters Left!! (I've been focusing on school which is the main reason why I haven't updated which I'm sorry about!!

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