Chapter 11

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After the last chapter Kj ended up waking up and later going to Cole's

"Sorry to cut this short Cole but I gotta go to Cami's. I'll talk to you later" I say grabbing my jacket. He just jokily rolls his eyes before telling me he'll see me later. Once I got back out to my car I texted Cami that I was on my way before turning my phone off and pulling out of Cole's driveway.

After 10 minutes or so I was finally at Cami's. I walked up to the door and knocked, I waited for a few seconds before she came to the door. "Hi, I'm really sorry to interrupt your day with Cole but I feel terrible and I almost passed out a few minutes ago. If you guys were talking about important stuff you don't have to stay, I can try to call Lili or Casey again. I just feel bad cause you never call during Lili and I's hangouts but here I am calling during you and Cole's" she rambles. She was about to continue when I kissed her, like in every movie and fan fiction ever made. "Babe, if I didn't want to come or we were busy I would have called someone else and told them to come over, but, I wanted to come. If my baby girl's sick I wanna be there for her, that's one of my jobs as a boyfriend and I don't want anyone else doing my job." I say smiling down at her. She smiles back but that smile quickly fades as she starts to fall over.

"Woah, woah, woah" I exclaim picking her up. By the look on her face I can tell that she's about to pass out so I quickly take her to her room and lay her on the bed. I sit by her side for awhile until she can finally sit up again. "You okay?" I ask looking at her, concerned. "I think so, thank you again for coming and helping me" she said smiling weakly. I just hug her as my response. "Are you hungry?" I ask breaking the hug. "A little but I feel like I'll be sick if I eat anything. I just want to sleep" she sighs. Even with her now pale face and the bags under her eyes she's still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I nod, understandingly, before turning the lights off and laying back down next to her.

She lays on top of me and I wrap my arms around her before we eventually fall asleep.

Man...Camila Mendes really is the girl for me.

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