Chapter 15

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1 Month Later (Btw paparazzi came back and acted/act like they did in Chapter 7)

     I was sitting in my room watching YouTube when I got a text from Lili:

Lili🤦‍♀️~ Kj you need to go over to Camila's like right now

Kj🤦‍♂️~ Why? Did something happen, is she ok?

Lili🤦‍♀️~ Look at these texts

(What the texts said:
Lili🦋~ Hey Cami
Cami💘~ Hi
Lili🦋~ Are you okay? You haven't really been active on anything and you've been kinda distant?
Read 1:08pm
Lili🦋~ Cami? Hello?
Read 1:09pm
Lili🦋~ Cami are you ok, your scaring me???
Read 1:10pm )

Kj🤦‍♂️~ I'm leaving right now

Lili🤦‍♀️~ Kj she just texted me no, I'm really scared I don't know what she's going to do or going to try and do

Kj🤦‍♂️~ I'm 5 minutes away

5 minutes later

"Cami? Babe?" I say running into her house, pushing past paparazzi, and not even bothering to close the door.  I stay quiet for a second and hear sobs coming from her room.  I quickly run into her room and see her sitting on the floor crying.  "Babe, what's wrong?!" I exclaim rushing over to her, sighing in relief that she wasn't doing anything harmful.  "N-nothing, I'm fine" she says still crying.  I hug her and ask her what's wrong until she finally says something, "I'm not in a good place right now, and hate isn't helping, neither are the paparazzi." She says.  "What did they do?" I ask concerned.  "Didn't you see them outside? They won't leave and they keep following me asking me about you and Ian and trying to get me to compare you guys.  They keep asking me about Cole and Lili and other stuff. They've started knocking on my door, trying to get me to answer more questions. Their asking me about Corinne and the one guy grabbed my wrist when I wouldn't answer his questions" she explains.  I just hug her again and pull her head closer.  "Cami you need to get someone to stay here, weather it be police or bodyguards cause that's not okay" I say.  "Why can't you just stay here! At least for a few weeks? Please!" she begs crying, "I don't want to be alone here, I don't feel safe! Please don't leave me!" She exclaims, crying even harder, while showing me her bruised wrist. I pull her into another hug, but a tighter one. 

"Let's go to my house so I can get some clothes" I say picking her up bridal style.  I carry her out the door and walk her to my car, it's obvious she's crying even though her heads buried in my chest.  "Damn it just leave her alone!" I yell putting her in the car.  I lock the doors before we drive off and to my house.

Once we get to my place, she sits on my bed and helps fold all the clothes and put them in my suitcase.  "Babe...did something else happen?" I ask grabbing her hands.  "No I promise, I just don't want to be alone with them out there" She says sounding honest but at the same time like she's lying. I nod, skeptically, before we zip up the suitcase.  I hold onto her hand and with the other hand I roll my suitcase out to the car once we're finished.

Once we got back to her place she put her legs around my waist while I carried her inside her house and had her lock the door while I went back to get my suitcase. While I was out there I ended up yelling at the paparazzi, "What the hell is wrong with you guys?! This girl is scared shitless because of you! I'm gonna be staying her for the next few weeks so you might as well leave because I'm not gonna let any of you put your hands on her again or even go near her!" I yelled before grabbing my suitcase and going inside. "You didn't have to do that, but thank you!" Cami says jumping in my arms. I hug her back before laying down on the couch with her, her head on my shoulder since she was laying under me.

We ended up just laying there for awhile until I heard a knock on the door, i carefully got up, making sure I didn't hurt Cami, before going to the door, pissed thinking it was paparazzi. "I have Chipotle for Camila Mendes?" the post mate says, I look back at Cami, who I told to stay on the couch, and she nodded so I thanked them and took the food before shutting and locking the door again. "I forgot I ordered post mates earlier" she laughs. I smile, happy that's she's laughing and smiling again, before taking the food over to her. I grab some tray tables before we both start to eat while watching random tv shows.

After we finished our food we turned the tv off and just started talking about random stuff, like filming, and season 3. We ended up just talking until midnight, when we decided to go to bed. I changed into just sweatpants while Cami was in an oversized t-shirt. We turned the lights off before laying down and saying goodnight before falling asleep.

Nobody should have to be scared in their own home, especially not my baby girl.

Hope you enjoyed! Btw if you didn't see at the top it is a 1 MONTH time skip! Also if you didn't look at the picture you should check it out! :)

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