Chapter 18

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(Did anyone see Cami's Instagram story where she re posted something from a Kjmila account? Not that I'm complaining but why was she on a Kjmila account?? *Sip* #Kjmila Lmao anyways I proud of myself for two updates in a day lol)


It was the next morning and I woke up to Cami peacefully sleeping beside me. I smiled, happy as hell that I'll get to wake up to her everyday. I smiled and looked at the clock, 8am. I ended up pulling her closer, not waking her up, before going back to bed for another hour or so.

"Kj? Babe we have to wake up, the movers are gonna be at your house at 10 and it's already 9:30" Cami says awhile later, waking me up. "Ugh, I just wanna sleep and lay here with you" I groan. "We did that all day yesterday! Now come on you big baby, just get dressed. The sooner you get up the sooner you move in" Cami says laughing, that thought causes me to hop outta bed and go straight to my pile of clothes. Cami goes to her closet and ends up just getting a hoodie and a pair of shorts, while I just grab sweatpants and a white muscle tee. By the time we're done getting ready it's 9:50, so we have ten minutes to get to my house. We rush out the door and hop in Camila's Mercedes before rushing off.

We get out of the car and see the movers knocking on the door. "We're here, sorry about that!" I exclaim as Camila and I walk up to them. "No worries, anyways I'm Carly and I'm on of the movers. Anyways, where are we moving this stuff too?" she says, not even bothering to hide the fact that she's checking me out, in front of Camila. "Oh it's about 15 minutes away, I'm moving in with my fiancé" I say looking at Camila, who just smiles and nods, going along with it. "Oh" she says disappointed. It gets awkward before we go inside and start packing everything up. "Your not mad that I lied about you being my fiancé, are you?" I ask once we get in my bedroom and shut the door. "What? No, I saw her checking you out, I would've done the same thing if I was in your place" she says. I sigh with relief, before we start to pack all of the clothes.

It takes us maybe 10 minutes before the whole bedroom is done. After another 30 minutes or so we're pretty much done with everything and are just putting boxes in the truck. I help Camila with the last box before we get back in her car and start going back to her house, the moving truck behind us.

They help us put everything in the house and we thank them before they leave.
"Do you wanna unpack today or...?" Camila says looking over towards me. "If your okay with it we can do it all today and then we won't have to worry about it later" I say. She agrees before we start unpacking.

We ended up finishing everything at around 5:30 in the morning, we went out to eat before we started and we also took a few breaks throughout the process.

"I'm so tired" Camila says, yawning, while plopping down on the couch. "Let's go to bed" I say, before realizing that she was already out cold. I chuckled before picking her up gently before taking her into the bedroom, before laying down next to her, covering us both up.

Damn it feels good to be able to finally say, our house, our bedroom, it makes me happy knowing that I get to spend my time with the girl I love.

Hope you enjoyed!

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