Chapter 4

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Camila POV

"Camila? What the hell?" Ian says waking me and Kj up.  "Look Ian, we're over, so it shouldn't matter if I'm in the same bed as Kj...even though literally nothing happened." I say, both of us sitting up.  "How did you even get in my house?" Kj asks.  Ian ignores him before saying four simple words, and walking out, "I'm Sorry For Everything". 

"You ok Cami?" Kj asks turning to face me.  "I'm fine. Can we just go to breakfast or something?" I ask.  "Yeah, let's get ready and then we can leave" He says going to his closet, while I on the other hand go to the bottom dresser drawer and grab some extra clothes. I mean we are bestfriends who are over at each other's houses like every week.  I then headed into the bathroom and changed into a long sleeve red and white striped shirt, skinny jeans, and white hightops before putting my hair in a ponytail and walking out. 

"Denny's?" Kj asked putting on a plain white tee, "Sounds good!" I say before he grabs his keys and we walk out to his car.

"Table for 2 please?" KJ says before the waiter takes us to our table. We order our drinks before starting to have normal conversations. We end up ordering pancakes and just decided to share since they were huge. The whole breakfast was us cracking jokes, talking about Riverdale, and us planning on what movie we were gonna see later.

Maybe an hour or so later we were done, and had already paid and left a tip, before we walked out the door. We noticed paparazzi and realized that they were probably there the whole time. We just ignored it and KJ put his arm around my waist before we got in the car and left.

"So we're seeing Would You Rather right?" (Older movie but it's AMAZING, it's on netflix if anyone wants to watch it :) )KJ asked before we started driving. I nodded before we talked it over and just decided to head straight to the theater since it started in 20 minutes anyways.

"2 tickets for Would You Rather please" KJ said as we walked up to the counter, holding hands. "Omg of course but your KJ Apa and Camila Mendes! I'm a huge fan, can I get a picture?!" The girl exclaims. "Of course!" I smile back before we take a picture and she hands us our tickets. We thank her and get a cola slushie and popcorn before heading off into the theater.

Once we got in the theater we were the only ones there so we just talked and took dumb videos before the movie started.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me before we looked at each other and smiled. After a few seconds we looked away and went back to watching the movie. I'm 100% sure that I have feelings for KJ Apa, but how do I tell him without messing up our friendship?

Hope you enjoyed!~

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