Chapter 9

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2 days later

Camila POV
     "Hey guys!" I say smiling and waving as I walk onto the podium. I take my seat next to Kj and take a sip of water, before we started getting asked questions.

"This one is for Camila, what's it like filming with Kj? Is it ever weird or uncomfortable?" A fan asks.  "Filming with Kj is really fun, he's someone who knows how to joke around and not take everything seriously.  As for being weird or uncomfortable, it's never uncomfortable and it was only somewhat weird when it was the first make out scene and we had only talked 20 minutes before hand.  We also made a pack sort of thing that if we get uncomfortable we immedetiadly stop and stand up and then we talk about it later.  Not that we've ever had to do that" I answer. I see Kj smile at me, so I turn and smile back.

"Next question is for Cole, what did you think of Lili when you first met her?"  Another fan asks causing me to look over and smirk at Lili.  "Well, I-I thought she was extremely nice and caring, she was beautiful, she seemed very smart, and overall I thought and still think she is a great person" Cole answered, his face going slightly red.

"Madelaine, what's it like dating your best friend on camera and then going home to Travis? Does it ever feel weird?" A fan in a Riverdale Athletic Hoodie asks. I look over at her an mouth that I like the shirt with a thumbs up, causing her to squeal in excitement. "Sometimes it's a little weird but it's also something that's funny and we make a lot of jokes about it" she answers.

"Lili, what's it like hanging out with the girls outside of work?" A girl in a SouthSide Serpent t-shirt asks.  "It's honestly amazing, everyone's so fun and we have girls nights and just let loose for the night. We just talk about relationships and gossip and overall it's just really fun" she answers looking at me and Mads and then smiling.

"Casey, what are your top three ships in the show and in real life?" a boy asks, smiling.  "Oh I already know the answer to that, Varchie, Choni, Bughead. And then in real life,  Kjmila, Sprousehart, and Travis and Mads" Casey answered laughing.

"And last question is for Kj, if you could date anyone of these girls, Vanessa, Madelaine, Lili, or Camila, who would you pick? And for the girls who have boyfriends, just say this is a world where they are single" The last fan asks.  He doesn't even hesitate he just answers, "Oh Cami for sure, not only are we best friends but we have this unbreakable bond with each other. So yeah, I'd totally date Cami, sorry Lili, Vanessa, and Mads" Kj says, laughing at the end.  I jokily wrap an arm around him and he wraps his arm around my waist and I kiss him on the cheek.  Everyone starts yelling for us to kiss until it turns into a chant.  We look at each other and have a mental conversation before deciding to do it.  "Ok, ok we'll kiss!" I exclaim laughing.

We look at each other and lean in. Not to be cliche or anything but i don't even know how long we were kissing because it felt like everything stopped, and it was just us. After the kiss we zoned back in and heard everyone cheering, well except for one teenage girl in the front who looked pissed. We smiled and laughed, and just went back to answering some questions until we could go home.

Wow...this is a meet up that I will never forget...I wonder what Kj's thinking about all of this?

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