Chapter 37

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The ending of this book is close, only a few more chapters :(
Also, Ashley is Ashley Benson bc I love her and wanted to add her somehow lmao

     It's been a few days since I took Camila out for the day and I started thinking: I want to propose. We've been dating for 4 (almost 5) years and I really love her and don't want to be with anyone else.  So, I'm gonna do Paris. A few days ago she confirmed that going to Paris was a dream of hers so I decided to take her there for the proposal.

"Hey Cami, I'm going out, I'll be back later" I said walking into our room. She looked kinda sad but didn't say anything, she just nodded. I kinda excepted her to ask where I was going but she just grabbed her laptop and headphones.
I walked back out and over to the kitchen where I grabbed my keys and wallet before walking out the door and driving to my friend Ashley's house.

Camila POV
When KJ said he was leaving I was kind of surprised he didn't say where, like he normally does, but I didn't ask because I didn't want to sound clingy. I was kinda sad cause I was about to ask him if he wanted to do something or go somewhere but I just ignored it and grabbed my laptop.

I was watching Pretty Little Liars but I had to keep replaying parts cause I couldn't focus. Where did he go that he couldn't say where he was leaving to? I kept trying to shake the thought off because I know KJ wouldn't cheat so I had nothing to worry about.

It only took about 10 minutes to get to Ashley's and when I got there I went straight to the door, ignoring the paparazzi and not even worry about them because I wasn't cheating or anything.
"KJ, hey come in" Ashley said opening the door. I smiled and walked in and over to the living room. I debated whether or not I should close the curtains since the window was pretty big and paparazzi were out there, but, decided not to because then everyone would think I was cheating for sure.

"Ok I need your help" I said as we stood in the middle of the room. "Help with what?" She asked curiously. "I want to propose to Camila" I said smiling. "Oh my god KJ that's great!" She exclaimed jumping up and then hugging me. I hugged back and laughed before I started to explain my plan.

"So, a dream place of hers is Paris and I want to take her there so I can propose. But I need your help picking out a ring" I explained. "What are we waiting for? Let's go get that ring!" She exclaimed as she pulled me out the door. I laughed as we got in my car and drove off towards 'Kay Jewelers'.

Once we got there, we saw more paparazzi so I had to pay them to keep them from filming and ruining the surprise.
After they left we walked into the store and started looking at rings.
"If I know Camila, she probably won't care if it's 10 thousand dollars or 1 dollar, as long as it's meaningful" Ashley said after a few minutes of looking. I chuckled and nodded in agreement. Camila isn't one of those girls who wants the fanciest thing out there, she just wants something that's special and meaningful, like Ashley said.

Camila POV
It's been about 2 hours and KJ hasn't called or texted, I was about to text him when I saw a few pictures of him and our friend Ashley. I knew paparazzi took them and at first I was concerned but then I remembered that it's KJ and Ashley we're talking about.
KJ would never cheat, and Ashley is one of my good friends who wouldn't do anything like that.
I shook it off and decided not to text them and just let them hang out while I walked into the kitchen to make some lunch.

After a few hours of looking, we finally found the perfect ring.
"Ash come over here" I said. She walked over to me and saw the ring I was looking at. "Keneti James if you don't buy that ring right now" she said in awe. I got a workers attention and told them I was going to buy it, not even asking the price because it was THE ring that we've been looking for.

  I got a workers attention and told them I was going to buy it, not even asking the price because it was THE ring that we've been looking for

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While we were paying, the lady looked at us and smiled while saying we were a cute couple. "Oh no, this is my friend, I'm planning to propose to my girlfriend" I said as Ashley nodded, confirming that we weren't together. She nodded and apologized before we paid and left the store.
The ring was pretty expensive but it was totally worth it in the end.

"Now, we need to get the tickets for Paris" I said once we got in the car. Ashley nodded and smiled before we drove off once again.
Getting the tickets took an hour or so and by that time it was almost 7pm so I drove Ashley home and thanked her for the help before heading back to the house.

Camila POV
After a few more hours I had already watched Netflix and eaten and I was bored and ready to call KJ when someone walked through the door.

"Kage?" I called out from our room. "It's just me Cami" KJ said before I heard the door shut. I sighed a sigh of relief before getting up and walking out to the door. "Hey" I said walking up to him, immediately getting happy because he was back. He smiled and then I noticed he was hiding something behind his back. I looked at him confused and he just chuckled. "Remember how you said Paris is one of your dream places?" he asked. I was confused for a second until I realized something. "KJ you did not" I said in shock. He smiled, a big goofy smile, before pulling two tickets out from behind his back.
I'm pretty sure I screamed before I literally tackled him in a hug. "Oh my god KJ thank you!" I exclaimed as he hugged back. "You're welcome baby girl" he said smiling.
     "I love you" I said, still smiling. "I love you too Cami" he said. We hugged for a while longer until KJ explained that we were leaving for the airport at 4pm tomorrow so we should pack. We then broke the hug and walked back to our room to pack.

I'm so happy to have KJ in my life, I don't know what I'd do if he ever leaves

Hope you enjoyed! (I started school so that's why I haven't updated, sorry!)

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