Sorry but its an A/N

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Can I just say how much I hate school? It's not the learning part or waking up early it's the people. Not even the asshole students it's the teachers and principals.
First off I hate how the school works because it's not fair (that seems childish but trust me it's not) the dress code is ridiculous.
Guys can show shoulders girls can't
Guys can wear this and that but girls can't
And teachers have made inappropriate (at least in my opinion) comments

Second thy constantly put stress on us and don't care about our mental health AT ALL

Third they favor the popular people and let them do literally anything the want (I'm not kidding)

Fourth the give us stuff and don't explain how to do it
They say to study one thing but the test is completely different
There's 8 days left and their trying to cram 100s of things in

And once again they don't care about all the stress we're under

I'm literally sitting in my room ugly crying because of how much stress I'm under

I just need school to be over so I can be happy again and just post and shit

Anyways sorry about the rant but I had to get it out of my system because the friend I texted was a complete asshole and just responded with a dumb video

Once again sorry about the A/N
Hopefully I'll update soon
But for now, see ya guys later

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