Chapter 16

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This Chapter takes place in the middle of the night (from the last chapter) and the next day. Also if you couldn't tell I really dislike paparazzi in this book lmao and their literally the craziest people in this lol (INTENSE CHAPTER AHEAD)

      "Kj...Kj, are you awake?" I hear Cami whisper. I keep my eyes closed but nod yes. "Babe, can you lay next to me, I can't sleep" she whispers again. I'm confused until I realize I'm laying on the edge of the opposite side of her bed. I move closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist, while she lays her head on my chest and later falls back asleep. I was about to go back to bed when someone started knocking on the door, this caused Cami to jump so I pulled her closer and told her it'd be ok. This was a little kid move but we grabbed our phones and just covered our heads with the blankets. "Yo just wait till morning their probably sleeping!" we hear someone yell before the knocks stop. We sigh before getting out from under the covers and, finally, going back to bed.

12 o'clock the next morning

After a restless night we wake up and head into the kitchen to get some cereal when they start knocking on the door again, causing Cami to jump again and drop her bowl. They run over to the living room window and start taking pictures while Cami and I clean up the mess. They don't stop knocking so we stupidly go over to the door, me pushing Cami behind me.

"What do you guys want!" I yell as they continue to take pictures. They start trying to push their way in so I yell at Cami to lock herself in the bedroom while I try to push them back. "I don't wanna leave you alone with them!" she says crying. I manage to push them back enough so I can shut the door. I pull Cami over to me and hug her tightly while their still trying to get in. "I'll be okay I promise, now go call the cops" I say gently pushing her towards the direction of the bedroom. She runs over while I'm pushing myself against the door to keep them from getting in.

A few minutes later Cami comes back out and we hear yelling and see paparazzi running away. "Their gone, you can open the door" we hear a police officer say. I open the door and see two officers, probably in their twenties. "Thank you for that" I say. "They won't be bothering you again and if they do they'll be doing some time, just give us a call. Are you alright" he asks. "Yeah I'm fine" I respond noticing that Cami was slowly moving behind me. "Are you alright Miss..." he says looking for a name. "Camila...and I'm fine" she says, completely behind me at this point. I'm confused until I realize that he's checking her out, it doesn't help that she's only in a t-shirt. "Yep we're fine so you guys can be on your way now, goodbye have a nice day" I say closing and locking the door. "You ok?" I ask focusing all my attention on her. "I'm ok" she lies. I just hug her before we walk back to the kitchen. "Are you still hungry?" I ask. "Not really" she says. I nod before we go back into her room, where I notice my phone exploding with texts.




I read the texts before going to the link he sent me.

I read the texts before going to the link he sent me

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(And them looking at Cami up and down)^^^^

Cami and I read the link together before I texted Cole back:

Legend👑~ Thanks man watch my Instagram story in a few minutes cause I'll explain everything

"CoDy"😀~ Heads up Roberto already saw it, make sure he watches them too

"Shit" I mumbled before my phone started going off, texts from Roberto of course:

Roberto~ Kj Apa what the hell did you do

Kj Apa~ Watch my Instagram story I'm gonna explain everything with Camila

Roberto~ Kj do you know how bad this is? This publicity could ruin you!

Kj Apa~ I don't really care man, I was defending my girlfriend and I'm leaving it at that, bye

He continued to text me but I just muted him before making a couple Instagram stories to explain everything.

"Kj this is all my fault, you could get ruined and it'd be my fault!" Cami exclaim, a few tears rolling down her face. "Hey, this is in no way your fault, I would do anything for you, it was my decision to go off on them." I say hugging her. After a few minutes of convincing her it wasn't her fault we decided to finally eat since it was already 4 pm. We ended up just heating up a frozen pizza before eating in silence, still in shock from everything that happened in the past 4 hours.

We finish our food and end up just going back to her room and just sit on her bed. "Cami... do you wanna go out somewhere or do you just wanna stay here? I'm not gonna make you go anywhere" I clarify. "I wanna stay her with you" she says after a few seconds. I nod as my response. I mean I wouldn't wanna go anywhere if my house was close to being broken into, a cop was uncomfortably checking me out, and a false headline was written about me, which I understand considering two of those things did happen to me.

She laid on my chest and we just kinda sat there for the day until we eventually fell asleep. Some people might say that we wasted our day but,

To me, as long as my baby girl feels safe and is comfortable, we could stay like this for ever

Hope you enjoyed this crazy chapter lmao!!

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