Chapter 10

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A couple weeks later...

Camila POV
     "Camila, will you be my girlfriend?" Kj asked at the end of our 5th date.  I think he could tell by the look on my face because he smiled.  "Yes I will be your girlfriend!" I exclaimed hugging him.  He hugs back while the rest of the cast cheers.  "Finally!" Lili and Casey say coming up to us.  We laugh before going into the makeup trailer so I can get ready for my next scene.

While getting my makeup done I just scroll through Instagram while Kj takes random videos of himself.  "Camiiiiiiiii" he says, I look over at him and see he's taking a video.  I just make a funny face before turning back around.

"Yes, hello.  I'm calling to settle an account for one of your patients.  Fred Andrews.  Of course, I'm his business partner.  Uh huh.  I'd like to pay the bill in full, and keep it anonymous.  An angel donation.  Yes, I'm aware of the amount.  My name?  Hermione Apollonia Lodge.  And it's a black American excess card.  Number 29572300"  I say pretending to be on the phone.  The director waits a few seconds before yelling cut.  I then got up and walked over to where Kj was standing, watching the scene.

"Hey so I was wondering when you wanted to tell the fans that we're dating?" He asks.  "Honestly I was thinking we could do it today because the longer we wait they'll just end up finding out on their own and it won't be much of a surprise" I say.  "Sounds good, lets just tweet something" he suggests.  I nod before grabbing my phone.

After tweeting we end up talking for awhile before checking what people were saying.  Most were happy, some either didn't like it or didn't care, and then there were a few people who were confused because they thought Kj already had a girlfriend.

"Babe, did you ever date a 16 year old named Corinne?" I ask while going over to sit on his lap. "Huh? No, and isn't that illegal?" He says confused, as he puts his arms around my waist. I decided to check Instagram and that's when I saw all of the posts about this girl lying and saying she was dating Kj. I sighed before showing KJ my phone. "Hey, it's okay babe. Your the only girl for me, I mean you are my baby girl" He said kissing my forehead. I smile before laying my head on his shoulder. We're sitting in the chair when I start to fall asleep. After awhile Kj also starts to fall asleep, so we just move to the floor.

"Um Kj Apa, your needed at the front entrance!" we hear over the speaker, waking us up. We look at each other, confused, before standing up. I was basically still asleep so Kj was nice enough to carry me bridal style as we went to the front.

"Babe! Hey! We need to talk, right now" We hear once we get to the front. I turn my head and see the same girl from Instagram. "Um your not my girlfriend, nor have you ever been. I don't even know you. Camila Carraro Mendes is my girlfriend and the only girl I wanna spend my time with" Kj says looking down at me. She gets angry, like she did at the meet up, and starts to walk up to me, clearly ready to fight. She wasn't even a foot away when security stepped in and carried her out. I was kinda freaked out, and nervous because lord knows if she'd go to one of our houses.

I guess Kj could tell because he made sure it was ok for us to leave before proceeding to carry me to his car. The ride was dead silent, not even the radio was playing. Once we got home he picked me up again and carried me to his room.

"Baby girl, you know I'd never let anything happen to you right? That girls insane. I love you, and only you" he said once we were laying down, myself on top of him. "I love you too...and I know, I'm just worried that's all." I say truthfully.

I look up at him and we both smile before going into a mini make out session. Afterwards we just laugh and decide to go to bed, even though it's only 10pm.

"I love you, Kj"
"I love you too, Cami, I love you so damn much"

Hope you enjoyed! Yes ik the ily is a little soon but I tried to make the chemistry very real and clear in previous chapters and I pointed out the fact that they had went on 5 previous dates, not counting the one from last chapter. Anyways, if there's anyone that is a fan of Corinne (defiantly not me, sry not sry) sorry but she's kinda gonna be a bitch for the few times she's mentioned. Lastly, if your gonna be that person who hates on the ily I'll just delete your comment, i don't need negativity in my life :))))

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