Decision pt 1

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           Y'vania's POV

Have you ever done something with the 'in case of emergencies' aim but then realise that you weren't wise enough when you made that decision? Well I have.
Staring at Jake's phone on my lap I can tell how many times Anthony has tried calling my phone. I gave him Jake's number just in case he  cannot reach me. Little did I know that I haven't changed and I guess never will that at times I need to be alone and no one not even self voice should bother me and she knows better. What I was planning to tell them is how things are going on with me then head straight home and continue updating my stories and followers on Fanwriting I really miss writing I've been busy trying to fix my already broken pieces of life and keeping in touch with daddy. I always do but I've done it so much this week because its one week to the very day that self voice started talking to me.

Comforting me.

Telling me that everything is going to be fine and daddy will come back.

Telling me not to worry that if I want I can follow him there.

That if I want I can become an angel too.

That life is going to be easier if I imagine that he's always here with me.

How stupid for me to believe all this.

I was a child.

A child who saw a horror movie before she could understand the impact of it in real life.

She didn't even know that such a movie could give her night mares.

Night mares that will haunt her for the rest of her life.


"Y'vania stop being creepy and pick this phone he's waiting." Jake says handing me the phone.
"Who?" I ask still feeling lost. Like I don't belong here. Maybe I don't but where do I belong?

"Why?" Talk to him."
"What are you talking about Jake?"
"Okay let me tell him you can't do it now. Okay? Or will-" I pick the phone cutting him off mid sentence.
I can tell he's worried from his tone. I know Anthony. Nothing bothers him more than suspense, that and his friends who I haven't met yet.

"Please talk to me tell me anything..I know am a douche bag I really am sorry for whatever that happened today but hey don't get mad at me I like your cute temper. Once again am sorry Y'vania talk to me please I promise I won't annoy you again even though you drive me nuts sometimes and yes I should stop rambling okay am stopping yes I've stopped."
"Y'vania are you okay? I miss you."
"You do? Am okay don't worry."
"Are you still mad at me? Is that why you switched off your phone?"
"Well I was until you started calling yourself a douche bag and composed such a touching eulogy for me."
"Um no no no I meant speech am sorry."
" Y'vania?"
"Don't get angry at me please but I mean everything I say about you."
"Don't call this number,don't call me,forget about me because I know I suck. Fine? Goodbye."
"What? Y'vania wa-"

Everything goes silent all of a sudden like everyone was listening to me. I take turns to stare at each of them then stand up to leave.
"You haven't told us what's happening Y'vania and where are you going to? You can't even walk straight." Lilly says pulling me back to the chair I was seated on.
"I'll be back guys I just want to get some fresh air and some time alone."
"Has the air inside here suddenly changed to hydrogen sulphide?" Matt asks without staring at me.
"Matt don't be so uptight I just want to give you guys some time alone you have Lilly and Esperanza will be here in a few hours that makes it a double date right? Can I also go and have some time alone with my laptop in bed? Its a double date too. I have a throbbing headache so please can I go get some sleep?"
"All the reasons you give don't seem real. If you aren't okay you know we can take you home besides we can cancel our plans just to be with you. B.Fs remember?"
"I get it Jake but I don't have to be the obstacle to your plans just go ahead besides am not in for another fight with your psychic girlfriend I really hate her drama."


The devil does exist yes am sure of that because he just advised me to take a couple shots of some drink I can't recall and now am screwed up like 'not remembering what day it is level' kinda screwed.  I can't even see what's ahead of me. I guess this is the path that takes me home. Oh yes I forgot the same devil told me to refuse Javier's offer of taking me home he proudly told me "you can make it Y'vania just stagger your way out 'kay?"
You know who answered that?
Of freaking course the dumb Y'vania and she said yeah we do have  a deal.
So here I am walking home. I came out of Matt's house two hours ago I was supposed to go home but I think Javier's shop has some magnetic force.
Javier and I have been drinking for the past one hour and am now trying to find my way home. Someone hugs me from behind pulling me close towards him.
"Where to pretty one?"

Oh no

"Back to my grave. Can you show me the six feet hole I was dumped into six years ago I seem to have lost my way."
"Y'vania. I wish you know how your sarcasm turns me on."

Deputy Lucifer Daniel Harrington.

"How am I supposed to know that if its none of my business? Just let me go."
It was supposed to come out harsh but damn freaking hormones that made it sound more of a whisper.
"Babe are you okay? I'll take you home if you want."

Babe? Why? How? Since when?
Oh since the day he hit your friend with a baseball bat.
Oh yes this is the guy. Right?

I drop kick him and he quickly lets go off me and winces and lets a painful cry.
"That's for hurting my friend. You think you could just get done with it? No one hurts my friends Harrington."
"I didn't mean to he started it. I know am an asshole but-"
"I hate that foul language Harrington and I don't think I have time to listen to you but first where's your baseball bat?"
"Home. Why asking?"
"Because I want you to see you holding it next time I see your your what? Head,face,whatever I don't know. I wanna see you holding it like this. Comprende?"
"Comp- comprimand whatever are you okay Y'vania?" He asks edging closer.

Danger ahead but of course dumb high Y'vania doesn't recognise it and she loves challenges and temptations so here we are distance equals to



"Am okay Daniel I just need to find my grave something on GPS stated that its about three degrees north hemisph-"
"Y'vania. First its not a grave its home. Second-"
"Did you just correct me? Hey ladies and gentlemens of Mars Daniel corrected me and the last time I checked he slept in all English classes of his life!"
He lets out a hearty laugh and whispers something I don't get before finally closing the distance between us.

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