Decision pt 2

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               Daniel's POV

Hell I don't know what type of drink she's been drowning but super high Y'vania isn't a bad one compared to the no joke sober one. This one is free and ready to risk it all. She's so sweet and tender. She slowly pulls back and stares at me lazily and smiles like- oh this is the kind of smile that always makes me want to lose my shit. The kind of smile that's so cute but yet alarming like she's about to do some crazy shit like sock me up in the face or cut off my nuts crazy.

Waiting for the worst in three,two.. I close my eyes as she slowly raises her hand but instead she grazes my jaw and leaves her hand there long enough for me to look straight into her eyes and try to see what she's up to.

Her stare is focused somewhere else. Somewhere I always fail to know. I guess I never will. Slowly and carefully I cup her face and get the make out session even better.

            Y'vania's POV

His lips taste like home and everything else feels like its everything I want. Is he everything I want?

What do I really want?

I don't even know anymore.

But I think it has something to do with Anthony.

But oh no.

Shit.shit.shit.shit SHIT. This isn't happening.

Its not happening.

He isn't Anthony is he?

Stupid dumb Y'vania. You're sentenced to ten years grounding. Genius smart Y'vania where are you when I need you?

He's not Anthony. He's Danie- wait what?

Yes Daniel snap out of it girl.

I pull back faster than fast and attempt to take two dramatic steps back like the Hollywood actresses but no gravity is so much in love with me today I don't know what I did to deserve this. He moves forward and holds me up just before I crash onto the hard concrete pavement.

Drinking five bottles of some probably spiked pina colada is what got you married to gravity.

Smart Y'vania you like talking and that's why I like hiding you in that dark corner. You're so irritating. Why judge me I didn't take five- um how many did I take?
One? Not really

Two? Absolutely not.

Three? Um.. definitely not

Maybe four,five,six I don't know.

"What are you doing staring at me like I turned into Medusa or something?"
"Is that what you say after making out with the guy you like?"

Me? Like Daniel? No way. He must be drunk or sick.

"I don't remember making out with you and I don't like you even in my nightmares."
"Y'vania wait."
"What for? It means nothing to me as long as its some manwhore I hate."

And that's how I reached home. Still insulting Daniel who got lost on the way
I can't tell where
because I don't care. Wow that kinda rhymes right? Well done Y'vania the poet.
Maybe that should be my name but oh no people will find out my really identity. No. Y.F.S is better and so it shall be.


             Tanisha's POV

She's my best sister,best friend,idiotic friend and partner in pranks and crimes but sometimes I fail to understand Y'vania. We're now seated on her bed. She just got in and walked/ staggered to her bedroom.
"Big sister tell me something. Did I stop being your  secret keeper? Why won't you tell me anything this time? Don't you trust me anymore? Have we grown out of our best friendship?" She snaps shut he laptop and stares at me sadly then comes closer and hugs me.

I think my complains worked but no I think its because she's kind of high.

"Best friends for me! I love you bestie oh small brother oops sister."

Yes she is completely high and wasted. Saying things the wrong way only happens when she's wasted. Mummy shouldn't know this.

"Its best friends forever Y'vania and stop shouting or mummy will know you're high on something."
"Yes talking of best secret keeper keep this one too don't tell mummy I drank whiskey,pina colada and that that holy sparkling water." She then laughs and let's go off me. Just then Mia comes in.
"Hey purple lady mummy needs to talk to you and- wait are you okay? Oh yes you went to see Javier right? I shouldn't have let you out of this house. You're messed up and mummy isn't going to like it."
"Am not that much wasted I just drunk five six seven eight and BOOM! The world started snipping off and..and
and what! Can you like elb- ebalb- oh what now I don't know anything but keine panik don't sweet swat no sweat it out mummy is gonna talk to me. Yes talk to me mummy! Your beauf betiful daughter is coming to you!" She says getting up and walking a few steps before dropping on the floor I quickly reach out but she waves me off laughing then gets up and staggers her way out. I turn to Mia and we stare at each other for a couple of minutes.
"Nisha,just go and distract mummy for a while I'll make sure Y'vania is seated by the time she gets out of the kitchen that way she won't notice how messed up Y'vania is."
"Sometimes you think like a hundred people combined." I say nudging her and walk out to accomplish my mission.

         Y'vania's POV

Mummy is everything okay? Why did you summon me so urgently?"
"Am in no mood for jokes Y'vania don't act all 'summon me urgently' kinda respectful."
"Yes madam I heard you. Bring it up."
"Y'vania!" Mia whispers sharply elbowing me."

Oh yes am supposed to act sobber

"Am sorry mummy but I just can't handle the fact that all of you are in one hell of a remote um remorseful mood and staring at me as if am dead."
"Y'vania Faith Spencer for heaven sake can you shut up for once and listen to me!"

First,middle and last name plus semi shouting equals to Italian temper into brackets the empty bowl of popcorn multiply by the remote control divide by my stupid head. Very simple but painful math is on the way.

" Am listening to you mummy." I speak slowly directing my gaze at her expecting to see her usual glare.
Do I see it? Of freaking course but something else makes me blink thrice and get close to her and without knowing it put my hands on her tense shoulders. The same look that I always fear more than her infamous glare.

That same worried look that always had me think we wouldn't see tomorrow.

The look that showed how broken she was.

The look that made me feel guilty for not saying everything earlier.

The look that brought back my 'if at all's' .

"Mummy you shouldn't be worried about me. Am a big girl now."
She stares away and shakes her head.
"Don't act all sorry you're becoming hardheaded and unbearable as the days go by. Now let's get everything straight. Tell me what you always do at Miller Rosa hospital."

What? How did she know?

Of all things I didn't expect this. I don't expect her to know about my visits to Miller Rosa.

"Mummy I -"
"Tell me the truth Y'vania! What is-"
"-don't know what you're talking about. I have no-"
"Can you just tell me something reasonable am getting impatient!"
"So am I mummy! What's happening why forcing me to say something that I don't wanna say?"
"Am not forcing you am ordering you as your mama I have the right to-"
"Right to what? Huh? Can you just leave me alone!"
Mia holds me back and I wish she didn't because all I want to do is walk away from everything. I don't want to hurt anyone in my family especially mummy. I expect a slap and a'how dare you speak to mummy like that' from Mia but instead she hugs me tightly and tells me to calm down.
I really can't stomach the fact that Mia isn't mad at me. Is the world ending or something?
Or is this the version of a dying me on a deathbed fighting for my life?

"Y'vania just calm down everything is going to be fine just sit down and talk to mummy please."
Mia's words get me back to where I was seated. Mummy slowly puts a hand on my cheek and wipes the tears.

That's the problem when I drink more than enough I get stupidly emotional and don't notice when I cry.

I swallow hard and decide to let the bitter bombshell out. I stare at each of them then close my eyes and let it out.

"I have Aplastic anaemia."

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