Twinky winky

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             Y'vania's POV

"Hey daddy am okay so don't start asking why I came here so late am free to visit all the time right?
Daddy don't think I disowned you you're still my best friend. Tell me about your day daddy. Was it as hectic as mine?
Which place did you fly to with your wings?
I hope you taught your students about 'going places' and 'the earth's region' just like how you used to tell Mia,Tanisha and I  about it every time we sat outside star gazing.
I saw  the twinky winky star today.
Did you see it daddy?
Yes it was so bright.
Daddy can you sing for me? I need to sleep but I can't find the sleep right now and today am spending the night here because I don't think I want to be anywhere else.
Sing for me daddy sing for me the very song I liked hearing before I closed my eyes in your arms.
You know it?
Yes daddy exactly that one am glad you've never forgotten.
You never forget because best friends never forget sweet memories right?
You were my friend daddy.
My best friend straight and no chase ups.
You were the only friend that never got tired of me.
I always asked why you left but I didn't get the answers.
Till now daddy I have no answers.
Am blank.

Wow daddy did you see it the Twinky winky star there yes over there its so shiny daddy I want to touch it.
Daddy I love you so much all of us miss you and so many things have happened since you left.
So many I can't even count but I hope to tell you everything when you come back.
You're coming back tomorrow aren't you? I'll wait for you I won't fall asleep I will wait okay? Okay goodnight daddy I love you so much.

              Tanisha's POV

Am worried. Very worried because my best friend is sad and sick I can't remember the last time we ran up and down the house pissing mummy and Mia off. The house is quiet everyone seems quiet it looks like talking will scare us. Everyone looks sad and worried.
I can't even concentrate on my homework.
"Nisha food is ready come on let's eat then I'll help you with the homework." Mia says sitting beside me.
"Y'vania isn't back yet? Its almost nine." Mummy says coming down to the table.
"I think she's working late as usual."  Mia says staring at her. I can see the sadness in her eyes. I always see it since the day Y'vania told us she was sick and then started avoiding us like plagues and leaving early for work even before I left for school. leaving post it notes on the fridge.
"But her shift ends at six and if she stays up its only until eight."
"Mummy don't get yourself worried she's going to come home."
"You know why am worried? Jake,Lilly and Matt have no idea where she is and they say she no longer hangs out with them."
"What?" Mia asks gasping.
"Lilly said they don't talk anymore."
"What's the meaning of all this?" Mia asks.
"Maybe they had a fight or something." I say slowly closing my books.
"But they've never fought to that point."
I sigh loudly and start serving food.

My alarm goes off and am waiting for Y'vania to start complaining about it but everything is quiet. I sit up and stare around me. I'm in Y'vania's room I remember falling asleep while waiting for her. So she came in late and left early? No she didn't come home.
This gets me standing and start looking around the house. Its so quiet. Mia is peacefully asleep in her room.
Mummy isn't in her room probably woke up earlier as usual. I think as I start going downstairs.
I find mummy asleep on the couch a novel in her hands. I slowly take it from her.

Too good to be true. Y.F.S Brown.
Oh so this is the book my friends were discussing about the other day. I think out loud staring at the cover. So strange.
"Y'vania I've been waiting for you its late where have you been?" Mummy mumbles rubbing her eyes and sitting up.
"Its me mummy. Were you reading this?"
"Its an amazing book I finished the first two chapters before falling asleep. I found it in Y'vania's room earlier. What time is it? I wonder where my baby is."
"I thought am the baby in this house its morning the 'adult' woke up for school and the 'baby' isn't home yet.
" What?" She says sitting upright.
"Yes you heard me right."
"Stop acting rude all of you are still my babies no matter how old you get. Just because you're the baby of the babies doesn't mean you should act like I can't hit you."
"Am sorry mummy its just that I feel so bad now that all attention is on her and she obviously doesn't like it or she wouldn't be keeping to herself and avoiding everyone." She goes quiet making me feel like a bad child.
"Mummy are you angry at me?"
"No Baby bop am just worried of what might have happened to your sister maybe she got kidnapped or maybe-"
"No mummy just calm down stop freaking yourself out." Mia says getting into the kitchen.
"Are you going to work this early?" I ask surprised that she's already dressed up for work.
"There is somewhere I need to go first am sure Y'vania must be there." She says taking a sip of orange juice.
"Where?" Mummy asks.
"You mean you also know she didn't come home last night?" She nods.
"Stayed up late and I didn't hear the door opening and I kept checking her bed." I sigh as we all go silent. Mummy breaks the silence.
"Where? Where could she have gone to?"
"Don't worry mummy she's going to come home in one piece. She's going through a lot but she's a strong girl. See you later I love you so much." Mia says going out.
"I love you too Angel take care." Mummy says back.
"I love you my pig good day at school!" She shouts from outside.
"Whatever Mia." I say smiling going upstairs to my room.

          Daniel's POV

Sometimes fate seems to deny you everything you want. Its like a strange unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like. It also tends to deprive you of  the things that are meant to make your life easier.
I never thought I'd like a girl to the point that I'd act like an idiot.
  I thought am always smart for such things. My grandpa used to tell me one day you're going to love someone to the point that you feel empty without them.
Its true I feel exactly the same now and I act like someone who should be in a mental asylum.

I think its time I should see a therapist. Who wakes up as early as five to take a stroll  in the most lonely part of town? I always come here whenever am down. This morning I woke up feeling like the world is collapsing. I stayed up the whole night watching movies. I didn't go to the party my friends were throwing. I keep on recalling Y'vania's words and I still can't stomach the thought of Y'vania being in love with someone else. Its still chilly despite summer being around the corner. It's usually chilly in the morning.
Deep in thoughts I walk into St. Kate cemetery. I really want to talk to someone who I always believe listens to me. Grandpa. At least when I talk to him or rather speak to myself beside his grave I'll feel better. I'll forget about my dad's drama. He's the reason why I don't want to study out of town because I don't want to stay far from mum who I can say is deeply affected by his personality. His ego is too big for him to carry that it makes him heartless.
People think that your parents being rich business people and you being the sole heir is very exciting,that you happen to be very lucky well maybe some are but am not.
For rich men a woman is just a source of pleasure and an object to show off in the red carpet business balls they throw. They marry for show off and when a kid comes up they adore and show it off to friends but not for so long. The kid is left under the care of nannies but they try their best to spoil it with everything and try to make it exactly like them. When the kid hits teenage life his ego is as high as the Eiffel tower because he always gets what he wants and that's the exact point when parental care or advice seems like a vocabulary to them. Parents are always busy in business meetings,luncheons and dinners to notice that they have a kid in the house. The kid goes through the trauma and when its almost killing him the mummy comes in realising that their child needs someone to talk to. The husband seeing that his wife is focusing on the kid gets angry blaming his wife for 'spoiling' the kid too much when the kid got spoilt up sometimes back when they were too busy to notice. At the same point the husband will be going through midlife crisis and side chicks start kicking in. He won't get ashamed of doing it in the wife's presence. The wife gets tormented and when she tries to confront her husband domestic violence kicks in and the house turns into a house of chaos.

My thoughts get distracted when I see someone lying on one of the graves at the far end. My heart starts thumping hard as different thoughts run through my head. Am about to turn around and run for my dear life when I notice movement as the person sits up and stares around her. Getting closer I notice her features. Her dark hair is in one hell of a messy ponytail but she's still cute. She turns around and her eyes go wide in surprise as she stares at me then past me as she gets more confused.
"What are you doing here?" She asks then turns her gaze past me and that's when I notice another figure coming closer behind me. Her sister runs past me and hugs her, sobbing painfully.
"Why did you come here Y'vania daddy wants you to be happy. Just let him rest in peace let's go you got all of us worried."
Y'vania gets up and stares at me sadly then hugs me tightly rendering me speechless.
"Thank you for always being here for me." She whispers.
" I really-" I stutter.
"Thank you Daniel." She says letting go off me and holding her sister's hand. Her sister gives me one confused stare as they walk away.

Yeah don't ask am also confused as hell.

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