No longer a baby

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                Raquel's POV

"You spent the whole of last night on that computer screen I bet you didn't sleep a wink. Care to tell me what is wrong?"

"Um..nothing, good morning mummy how did you sleep?"

"Not a way to ignore my question."
"Mummy am okay I was just um..writing a book."
"So cliché." I mutter softly as I get up from the bed. She turns and furrows her eyebrows.

"Mummy when did you become so inquisitive?"
"Since the day you decided to distance yourself from me and decided not to tell me that Liz and the Millers are still taunting you." She chuckles and sits beside me stroking my back.
"Mummy maturity doesn't always come with age to some people let them talk whatever they want to."

"So you mean they've been doing this for a while?" I ask starting to sense something she's hiding.

"Am used hearing their words and go deaf and dumb on them after all, no response is the best response." She says with a shrug crossing her arms on her chest.

Wow my baby girl is no longer a baby.

There's something yet I can't understand even though a part of me says that its not true but still the other part says it might be true. Did she take any bribe from the Millers?
I know she won't do such a thing but what if all this was a planned thing between her and Daniel. Where did they get such kind of money to buy or even rent such a house in such a rich neighbourhood. I suddenly find myself asking
"Y'vania is it true?"

All colour drains from her face in shock as if I uncovered one of her top secrets.
"What..what are talking about?" She asks almost in a whisper.
"What Charles Miller said. Did you take anything from them stay away from Anthony?"

She sighs heavily as if relieved that I didn't ask whatever it is that she thought I was going to ask.

"Mummy. I knew you would ask me about this what I didn't expect is you thinking I'd take that money."

She shakes her head stands up and starts pacing up and down biting the tip of  her index finger. I try reading what she's thinking and I see clear innocence in her eyes.

I didn't raise my kids to be dependant on others or accept bribes in order to do something but I guess there's something more to this story beside the issue that Anthony's mum is Mariah whatever.

She comes and sits beside me and stares at me fidgeting with her fingers saying nothing.
"Did you take the money? How much was it why did you take it?"
"Oh please mummy don't even start." She says with a scoff lighting up with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her since the day she broke up with Anthony.

"No all I want to know is.."
"Mummy I..I didn't take anything." She says all of a sudden wearing a serious face.

"Then why did everything happen so fast?"
"What happened so fast mummy both you and I knew what happened between Anthony and I."

"What happened?"
"Mummy do you seriously want me to talk about this again? You don't trust me?"
"I trust you Y'vania but.."
"But what mummy I told you guys everything."

"Tell me everything. Tell me why all this is happening." She stands up blinking several tears breathing heavily and clenching her teeth angrily.

"Okay I'm telling  you everything! Because you don't care about the effect it will bring. I'll tell you!
I will never ever ever forget what that Charles Miller animal and Nana did to daddy. That's why the moment I learnt that the bad doctor who always haunted my dreams is Miller I couldn't take it. Mummy. Daddy didn't die of whatever they said he died from Nana and her stupid children did it with the help of doctor Miller. I was there when they tortured him and forced him to sign over grandpa's wealth to them then forced him to drink that..that drink I don't know and that same stupid doctor was out to inject me to erase my memory so that I couldn't remember any of this but some young boy tampered with the injection when he went out to answer a call."

"Wha..what? Why didn't you tell me this why didn't I realise this on the very same day you went missing but I was so confused notice."

"Mummy its all in the past we can't reverse it but that's what's keeping me from Anthony and his Millers."

I don't know how someone else would take this but I feel like I should punch Miller in the face.

Okay I knew that my husband's death was something to do with his family and that Liz O'Connell paid the doctors to change the report from poisoning to heart failure then after some time and ' serious investigation ' pin it on me that's why I wasn't surprised when two months later they called a family gathering only to insult me and hand me over to the police lucky for me my brothers helped me out and there was no evidence  to prove that I did it or else I would've rotten away in prison for something I didn't do.

Wow. My daughter is very strong and right now I feel so bad as all the memories of her flashbacks and breakdowns which I blamed on her being daddy's closest girl come back into my mind. I didn't know Y'vania was really in pain. So much pain that it has made her numb.

"Mummy am so sorry I didn't tell you this earlier because I was young. No one would've trusted me then and I didn't want to hurt you because I know all this has taken a great toll on your life. I'm sorry that..that.."
I stand up and hug her now shaking body I know its hard to take away the pain in her but I'll start by being close to her whenever she needs me.

"Its okay Y'vania now stop crying and let's go out. Its all in the past but one day they are all going to pay in one way or the other."


"Wow am so full I don't think I can eat something else." She says sitting on the bed smiling.
Its about three in the afternoon and we just got in from the mall. This is the first time after a long time that I get to spend so much time with Y'vania.
She drops the bags on her bed and takes off the ankle boots crossing her legs on the bed as she starts rummaging through the shopping bags the smile never leaving her face.
It reminds me of the times when she was young she always felt so happy whenever Spencer and I bought her something new. She would smile all day and clutch onto it refusing to let go off it.

"Mummy why are you smiling?"

"I just remembered the day you got your first school bag you practically hugged that poor bag for the whole of that evening."
"I didn't." She says quietly defending herself slightly blushing.

"I remember taking it from you when you fell asleep."
"Mummy stop embarrassing me."
She places the bags aside and lays flat on her back her top flying upwards exposing the lower half of her tummy and that's when I see a long scar running across her lower abdomen.

"Is it what I think is?" I ask myself out loud.
"What?" She asks casually still staring at the ceiling.
"Did you undergo another surgery? What's this on your tummy?"
As soon as those words come out all colour drains from her face. She sits upright pulling down her top.

"What's wrong why did you have to undergo surgery?"" She clears her throat then goes on.
"I..yes I ...its no biggie never mind.

Typical Y'vania am sorry this time I won't let this go.

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