Going green

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Daniel's POV

"You promised you'd take care of Y'vania but instead you let her out of control and now she's nowhere to be seen."
" Stop huffing around Anthony she's probably at Ethan's house." I speak unsure of my words.

The thing is,she left this morning. We had a slight misunderstanding because her elder sister kinda find out about the baby and now as Y'vania puts it the whole family knows about it because Mia can't keep her mouth shut and oh did I mentioned that the said sister is on her way to California? I guess I just said that now. Well..she's almost here.

It's about to burn.

"Am asking for the last time Daniel who the hell is Ethan and what is Y'vania doing there?"

"Is someone going green with jealous?" I ask back simply to buy thinking time.

"Am not jealous am just asking."
"Ethan is a friend of ours and Y'vania is just spending some time trying to forget that ..."

"That what?"
"That uh.. whaat? She's just planning a party."

Wow. Genius me. A party.

"Since when did Y'vania start planning parties?"
"Since...since this morning."

"You're so unbelievable Daniel. I didn't know you're a liar too. A pathetic one!" He snaps seething in anger.

"Look Anthony. She's okay but I don't think she wants to see you. She's so angry. We had a little misunderstanding this morning about some information that leaked to the public and now both her manager,publisher and editor are calling her for a meeting first thing tomorrow morning."

I'm really getting myself into deep problems with these lies.

"What is it that leaked to the public?"
"Anthony why are you asking so many questions what do you need to know? You're neither her doctor nor her boyfriend anymore."

Wait. Did I just earn myself a VIP ticket to a thrilling action movie? Yep definitely.

My phone rings just as the doorbell rings. Do I have to get both things at the same time?

"She is my girlfriend Daniel. Nothing has changed." He says clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Oh please Anthony you're not her boyfriend stop lying to yourself!" I shout picking my phone from the couch. Tessa's calm voice almost assures me that everything is okay but no.

Did I say I chose my phone over the door and the person outside got tired and stormed in just as Anthony was in the middle of screaming that he's the boyfriend? Ha ha so funny.
Tessa's goes on speaking.

"Why is Y'vania so scared of coming home? What have you done?"

"Nothing is the matter. Everything is fine...nope. Not really fine. Just tell her to come back her sister is here."

"What? Daniel! Shit." She curses an I hear a loudable gasp probably from Y'vania.

I turn around to face a staring hard competition between Mia and Anthony. Wow. Things are definitely on the loose end.

I walk towards her trying to make things easier but I guess I'm so late. Next thing I see are a few stars and a shadow of Mia's palm across my face. Am still blinking the stars away one at a time when something flies across the room and misses my poor head by a couple inches and crashes somewhere behind me..on Anthony's head and that thing happens to be...oh no that's not my trophy lying in pieces right?

"Shit! Mia did you just use my basket ball trophy as a weapon?"

"Good evening to y'all and oh yes! My flight was awesome."

Sarcasm runs in the blood.

She pulls her suitcase across the room. Everything goes silent before hearing a groan from Anthony. This temperamental whack head just whacked Anthony's head with a trophy the size of a.. puppy.

Even if I hate him sometimes am not that cruel to let Anthony die of too much bleeding. I run to the laundry room and grab the first aid box. Just as I am about to apply some disinfectant to his wound the bottle and cotton bud get kicked out of my hands.

"Can you show me the bedroom and the kitchen?"
"Mia can't you see-"
"Not you Anthony. Not a word from you. Daniel show me the kitchen. I'd like to know where you guys store your knives. I have some mutilating job to finish." She says the last statement staring at Anthony whose shirt is now soaked in his own blood.

What would someone in my situation do?

Run out to Ocean point and get Y'vania to come home or let Mia kill Anthony and earn myself eye witness to crime?
Or maybe Javier should be here. I wonder what he's still doing with the damn editor the book is already published.

I guess someone in my situation must think fast and act like a complete grown up.

I get to finally show her the bedroom which will also hold her captive for the next I don't know hours as I get everything in control. I wouldn't mind a few slaps when I let her out but am not letting her anywhere near the kitchen. That's Y'vania and Javier's room.

After locking her in I finally succeed in dressing Anthony's wound which fortunately isn't that bad. I'm still waiting for Mia to stop throwing tantrums and kicking the door or whatever she's doing to it but I guess she'll soon get tired of breaking stuff after all there isn't so much stuff in there except for..

oh no!

Why do I keep on screwing up today?

Y'vania's POV

"Tessa's do you think everything is going to be fine again?"

"I can't assure you but I know the sun is soon going to shine. Let's just go Y'vania. It's the perfect time for us to sneak out. It's already dark and no one will notice you. You can't possibly stay in here for long. Sooner or later the CIU jargon's front page is going to have your face plastered all over it. You know how people in here react to fame. As soon as they get the word that you are in the dorms they're going to break this door and come in."

I know am making things harder for myself but I guess sometimes the mind stops thinking automatically and starts making decisions.

Daniel blabbered and Mia heard it because she hadn't ended the call yet and now I got all this unfortunate dominoes following me. The first thing that crossed my mind this morning when an angry Mia texted that she was at the airport ready to board a plane to LA was to go to Ethan's house but I remembered he was going to visit his parents so I had no other option. I had to sneak my way into Ocean point and fight my way up a flight of stairs into Tessa's room. I found her ready for classes which I've missed by the way. She left me in here after assuring her that her room mate won't let a word to the other CIU students.

I spent my day in here sleeping and trying hard to forget about the drama in my life. Lucky enough Tessa's roommate didn't show up for the whole day. Tessa came back from class at about four pm and started worrying about my situation and calling Daniel which turned out to be even worse because now I know that Mia is in LA and in my house and they need me to go home which I can't do at the moment.

"Why don't you want to go back home Y'vania?" Tessa asks for the millionth time in three hours.

"What do you think is going to happen to me Tessa? You know ever since Anthony came back to LA I've been having this feeling that something bad is on it's way."
She kneels down infront of me holding my hands in hers and stares at me deep in the eyes.
"Y'vania nothing bad is on it's way. You just need to get all this mess fixed up and that's going to happen if you get up and face your sister,tell her all about this and..solve this before it gets out of hand."

"It's already out. My family knows and probably Anthony is on his way to finding out." Tessa gets up and sits beside me hugging me like it would change things up.

She somehow proves a point. Maybe it's time I should do this.

"Tessa if set foot into that house again I'm sure going to die. I'll stab myself or slit my left wrist or do anything. I don't want to face all this pain at the same time. I have to die first before I let any word about the baby out of my mouth."

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