Poor me

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                Y'vania's POV

Going back to LA after three weeks was not an easy decision but I had to make it knowing that whatever it is I thought I'd mend between Anthony and I was so smashed into tiny pieces and trying to collect the remnants of our broken pieces lying on the cold floor when we tripped over our shoelaces and fell hard for each other was like trying to cry over spilt milk.
The thing is I was the one pinned at the bottom hence got crushed beyond repair point. Anthony stayed on top and quickly hoped back into my cousin's life.

Poor me.

I guess I was destined to humiliation and doom forever.

Okay all that happened and I haven't told Daniel and Javier a single thing about Anthony. It's not like I don't want to talk about it to anyone. I really do and I wish I could talk to these two hobos in the house but doing so might create chaos especially from Daniel who is so fed up with Anthony's family. On the other hand Javier is calm but crazy and he might kill Anthony after drowning a few bottles of whiskey. No one wants a manager who's behind custody. So that leaves Tessa as the only option. She's not the type to barge into a room and start picking fights. Maybe she's gonna tell her boyfriend someday but she's going to make sure Daniel doesn't get out of control.

Its yet another day that I have to wake up and face the fact that I'm heartbroken even though I promised myself that no boy is going to make me cry. I can't tell what happened to the tough me.

What potion did Anthony give me that I softened up to this point?

I turn around and watch the beautiful sunlight seeping through the curtains I forgot to draw yesternight.

Tessa is still sleeping peacefully on the floor almost covered in pizza boxes. I smile slightly remembering how we spent last night watching girly movies and eating pizza. Daniel and Javier had decided to go out for a guys night so Tessa and I decided to make it a girls night. I'm still wondering how I made friends with this cute girl from the Philippines. I think her smile and charm trapped me into liking her the moment I set eyes on her at CIU. We were both late for class one day and we almost bumped into each other struggling to make it to Literature class. Later when class ended we realised we're in the same group and after a moment of cracking jokes instead of focussing on our project got kicked out of the group by our fellow group members only to end up in another group of crazy guys, Daniel included. I guess that's how I realised that my bad boy really likes the girl with pretty cute eyes that seem invisible when she let's out her cute melodious laughter.

"Holy creepy girl's night did I turn into pizza and they're waiting to wrap me up?!"

Yeah she's as weird as that. Sleeping and waking up is like pressing the pause/play button. She falls asleep in the middle of telling you something and starts talking the moment she wakes up.

"Um Y'vania I don't think the morning is as good for you as I wished it would be." She says throwing the pizza boxes around.

"What do you mean. Its a good morning Tess." I say amid yawning and stretching."

"Okay I won't nag but what is it you wanted to tell me yesterday?" She asks picking herself from her stack of pizza boxed blinking at least ten times to adjust her small eyes to the morning light.

"Wow I didn't know you still remembered that."

"I do because I dreamt that you were telling me something then professor buttboots came in."

She sends me into a fit of laughter and we start imitating the old man forgetting that I had to tell Tessa about this Anthony issue and his baby with Kara. Of all people I've encountered at CIU she's the only one who doesn't care about this YFS thing yes we do talk about stuff especially when the press decide to drop lies about me but she doesn't judge me wrongly. All she does is treat me like any other college student and I love that about her.

"So what happened to your ex boyfriend you haven't talked about him since you came back."

The question takes me back but I pretend like nothing is wrong.

"We never talked." I answer back with a shrug sitting up on the bed.
She nods slowly as if agreeing to something then say,
"You always seem to be busy when Daniel talks about your one month holiday."

"I wanted to have a break from all this drama with the press nothing else." I say trying to blink away the tears that are about to stream out.
She tilts her head and raises one of her well shaped eyebrows.
I give up and let the tears fall.

"He...he's married to my cousin and they have a baby coming in a weeks time." I speak nonstop without staring at her then head to the bathroom when I let out the bomb.
I hear her gasp just before I bang the bathroom door and lean against it finally letting the world crumble and fall on every strong pillar I was holding on, letting out what I felt ever since he muttered those words.

Yes she was already pregnant when you left but I...

I didn't let him finish his statement because I knew what was going to come next. Something like:

I'm sorry I didn't mean it to happen.
I'm sorry I didn't know she was your cousin when we met.
I'm sorry we were very close friends..

and so many reasons but the truth will still remain in the open. He used me and dropped me like trash.
He was able to soften tough Y'vania. Or maybe he knew all this but was just playing along to see how stupid I am.

I know I really am. Like ninety nine percent stupid and a complete and utter slut.

The banging on the door makes me realise that I've been standing in the bathroom for almost a half an hour crying my guts out like a lunatic. I quickly grab a tissue and wipe the mess on my face and try to swallow the lump on my throat. After practising my mega million smile I open the door only to see Daniel and Tessa staring at me with unreadable expressions on their faces.

Daniel starts laughing making me feel weird and angry.

"What's so funny Daniel?" I snap pushing him out of my way.

"Tess came down there screaming her guts out. I thought you were killing yourself or something but I guess Tessa gave you a couple of fish heads to down that stack of pizza with. You know how fish heads react?"

"Stop it Daniel no one ate any fish heads. You're so annoying." I say sitting on the couch and staring at the ceiling trying not to let Anthony's thoughts control my mind.
Daniel goes on trying to provoke her girlfriend's temper which I guess doesn't exist. Tess is so sweet to get annoyed the one and only jerk who I know won't stop is Daniel. He always tries to annoy her but ends up with a calm bored stare or a sigh and a smile later on. This girl doesn't get mad. I don't know what kind of person she is but I wish they could swap personalities with Mia then I'd end up with the sweetest sister and Daniel's annoying character would be tackled to the ground.

I'm so caught up on my world that I don't get the smooching sounds. I turn my gaze only to see them eating each other's faces.

Way to ruin my morning.

I throw a pillow at them earning groans and a curse word from Daniel which I answer with another pillow on his head.

Am here thinking how I lost everything with the snap of a finger and people have the audacity to kiss and curse in my face.

"Why are you acting weird Y'vania its not like you've never seen us kissing before." Daniel says coming towards me and sits beside me giving me a puzzled look.

There's no point in explaining the loss of a dad and a kid to someone who has never encountered them.

"I'm going for a run I'll see you lovebirds later." I say grabbing my ray bans and playlist and go to my closet to pick out something for the run.

Both of them give me weird glances then laugh out loud.

At this rate I have to keep up my acting spirit and go on acting normal as I fight my own fight.

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