The good boyfriend

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                Anthony's POV

I'm in a dilemma right now. I want to stay here until I talk to Y'vania and at the same time I want to go home and talk to my father, maybe ask him why he got rid of the baby.

My baby.


I know he's going to lie to me about all this. At least I should've been made aware before he injected that captopil drug into her system.

God knows I needed that baby more than anything.

I thought he approved of my relationship with Y'vania and even if he didn't he could've talked to me. He put someone in great pain. Losing a baby to that captopil thing must've been very painful.

The baby dies a slow death and by the time you find out it will too late for you to survive too. If by any chance you survive you have to undergo surgery wether you like it or not.

Oh no!

Y'vania must've gone through the same thing. More painful than the aplastic anaemia treatment. Poor girl.

All pieces of this complicated puzzle finally come together and form something I did not expect.

I'm seated alone in a hotel room thinking about going back to Y'vania's apartment just to get her part of the story  but given her sister's attitude I don't think I should go anywhere close to them maybe I should call Y'vania and tell her to meet me somewhere discreet.

Outgoing call to Brownie bae at 9:30pm.

B.B: What is it you want?

Me: The truth Y'vania. Your side of the story. Can we meet..

B.B: I don't think it's a story Anthony and forget about me getting out of the house with all this drama.

Me:Okay I'll reach you Y'vania. I'll find a way.

B.B: Okay bye and Anthony my sister is still around be careful.

Call ended.

That long tired sigh at the beginning of the call and the cold voice is not what I expected but I'll have to put up with it to get Y'vania back. At least that's what I hope.

             Daniel's POV

Look. It's not how I planned it to end. Stuff just happened and boom! Everything came out in the open."
" So how did you plan it to end Mr planner?" I sigh running my hand through my hair.

She really is getting to my nerves. I wonder why they had to employ this lady as one of the publishers. She's annoying as hell.

I've been explaining myself for a million times to Y'vania's management team but it looks like no one is going to get what am trying to say.

"Everything got so mixed up when Mia came in and started throwing tantrums."
"Well she wouldn't be in LA if you chose to think before talking. You know, Daniel it's true you've changed but there's still this one thing you haven't left behind. You still can't control that mouth of yours. Sometimes you tend to hurt people without knowing it lucky for you Y'vania knows how to take things easy."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Javier calm your pants down dude. No insults here. I know I'm a jerk but I swear I didn't do this on purpose." The door opens.

"Enough Daniel. I'm so tired of all this. We have to find solutions instead of playing blame games."

Thank God Y'vania is here.

"Y'vania how did you get out of-"
"Out of campus you mean? I got out with my sister because it looks like none of you was ready to face the consequences."
"But Y'vania we are plann-"
"Shh. It's enough Javier. You know what? I Y'vania Faith Spencer hereby pledge to listen to my family only. From today onwards I don't need orders from any of you."

Y'vania is really crazy.

" are you going to manage without help? Ashley one of the publishers says as the others stare in awe.

Y'vania stares around her then sits on the couch saying nothing. Her sister gets up camly and walks to the kitchen.

"I hope everything is okay with knives and stuff." I whisper to Y'vania who scoffs and says,
"She's okay. I talked to her. She won't hurt anyone." She then stares around cautiously and edges closer asking,
"Where is Anthony? Is he alright?" I guess it's now my turn to scoff.
"Oh really Y'vania? Anthony?"
"Just tell me already I need to know if he's alright. He wasn't seriously injured was he?"

Love what did you do to my very tough friend?

"He's okay. He was injured but he's going to be fine I took him to the hospital and.."
"Oh my God! Thank you so much Daniel." She screams hugging me and both of us fall off the couch earning a few glares from Javier and his board members. We don't notice Ethan coming in until Y'vania is pulled up from my lap. Javier clears his throat awkwardly and gets up walking away from us.

"Y'vania what do you think you're doing acting like you are not worried about the crowd of reporters standing outside?" She arches her eyebrows smirking.

"Um..just being happy and.."
"And what? They know you're not home and here you are screaming out."

"Oh so should I  sit still and wallow in pain Mr control freak? Oh just before it slips off my mind I just told your fellow  control freaks  I need to be on my own, you guys control every single aspect of my life. I shouldn't do this or that blah blah blah  whatever. When is it going to end?"

" Okay I know it sucks but these people here are helping you. We are all here for you Y'vania."

"No no no you don't complicate things here. There's a very big difference between being here for me and controlling me. If you're really being here for me, where did you disappear to when I needed to come home from Ocean point? It's my sister who risked everything and pulled me out that embarrassing situation because all of you were in meetings planning on how to answer reporters'questions and blaming Daniel for something that wasn't entirely his fault."

"We were just giving you some time alone." Ethan says in a calm clear voice trying to reach for Y'vania's hand which she pushes away.
"Giving me some time alone after dropping an armed bomb on my face? Well, you succeeded but what did you earn? Did you think I'd be so pleased to see the two of you fighting? What if one of you got seriously injured? Do you think I wanted this to happen Ethan?"

Wow. I didn't see that one coming.

"Babe please calm down let's talk this out."
"There's nothing to talk about Ethan. Everyone knows I had a baby with Anthony which by some miracle doesn't exist by now and do you know what they're saying? Miller senior paid me to carry an abortion. You still want me to talk?"

Ethan's mouth hangs open and everyone goes silent processing what Y'vania just said. With tears in her eyes she reaches for her phone scrolling up something and shows it to Ethan.
"Does that make you feel okay Ethan? The fact that I'm humiliated in front of the whole world? I know I don't make you happy. All I do is get you involved in my messy life. You deserve happiness Ethan. You deserve a life away from all this drama just walk away as soon as you can in stead of messing things up for me."

She then goes upstairs almost knocking her sister who is now seated on the stairs watching in silence as the drama between her sister and the ' good boyfriend '  unfolds.

No one knows why she's doing all this. Y'vania needs her old life back.
The life where no one made decisions for her. Life where all she knew was finding happiness and creating magical moments out of the pain she's been through.
Her life with Anthony.

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